Chapter 29

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Juliet's P.O.V

As soon that I saw him appear in that doorway, hope spread all around my body.

"JORDAN!!" I scream for him.

Tears threatening to fall.

He looks at me and his eyes hold softness, then his gaze shifts to this disgusting human being, and they turn hard and cold.

"Get the fuck away from her!" He warns him again.

The rapist, gets up from where he's sitting and walks towards Jordan.

"Listen, I don't know how you found me, but you're a little bit, too late" ge tells Jordan with a smirk

"I claimed her mine already, she's amazing in bed, so tight and every time she screamed, she would clench an-" he didn't get to finish because Jordan had punched him right on the mouth.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" He shouts at the bleeding man on the floor holding his mouth.

Looking around, trying to find the keys he had to get out of these cuffs, I spot them on his jean pocket.

"Jordan" I call out to him.

When he looks at me, I wish I hadn't seen him.

His eyes.

They held betrayal, hurt, sadness, pity, and sorrow.

And all that was for me.

"Please Jordan, don't break down right here, get his keys from his pocket and let me out, I promise that I'm okay" I tell him reassuringly.

He looks away, closes his eyes for 2 seconds, and then nods, he bends down to get the keys and then Brett, ruins the moment.

"My bitch now!" He shouts and then starts humping Jordan from his behind.

Jordan immediately stands up and punches him.

"Ah man" Brett says while grabbing his Jaw.

"What the fuck was that for?" He asks

"Really Brett?" Jeffrey cuts in "you just humped him, in a situation like this and you ask what was that for?" He tells him

"Whatever" he says and rolls his eyes.
Then his hand goes to his ear and he goes serious.

"What is it Brett?" Jordan asks him while uncuffing me.

"We have 20 minutes" is all he says and starts looking around the place.

Furrowing my eyebrows in confusion, I look at Jordan.

"20 minutes for what exactly?"

"Before this place blows up into a million pieces" he responds

"Oh" and when I feel my hands free, I stand up and punch the bastard.


I did not punch Jordan.

I punched the rapist, because he was going to stabb Jordan with a knife.

"Wow, I did not see that coming" Jordan says and turns around to see the man on the floor.

"Yup" I reply.

"You sick bastard, you had me for 5 fucking days, and I couldn't do shit" I say to him and punch him in the face.

He groans and covers the spot.

"You fucking raped me" I say and kick him on the balls.

"I pleaded for mercy, and you gave me non" I say and walk towards the table where he had the knife.

I pick it up and walk to where he is.

I stab him on the tigh and he screams out in pain.

I twist the knife while in his skin, and he starts twisting around.

"No!" I scream at him "you are not going to move!" I tell him and kick him.

"Juliet we have 15 minutes" Jordan tells me.

"That's enough time" I say to him. My voice sounding cold.



"Put him on the cuffs"

"As you say so my queen" he says and gets at it.

Once he's cuffed, my head starts forming tortuous things.

*******MATURE THEME************

I go to his face and inspect it.

"You were going to cut my face up weren't you?" I ask him

When he doesn't reply, I pick up the knife and stab it into his cheek.

He screams out and starts shaking, but he can't get his hands out.

"Juliet, I think that's enough, we have to go" Jordan cuts in

"NO, IT'S NOT ENOUGH!" I scream at him

I scream at him and go to his face.

"It wasn't enough" I say lowly and walk back towards the fucker.

I pick up the knife and stab it into his dick.

He screams out in pain and starts to shake but he can't move.

"You can't move bitch!" I scream at him.

"How does it feel for me to tell you this huh?" I say to him.

"You like this huh?" I say remembering what he used to tell me while he was raping me "you want more?" I mimick

I twist the knife even more and blood starts spilling out like crazy.

"Now you're going to die alone, you sick bastard" I say and punch him one more time on the face.

***********THEME OVER***********

Once I'm done, I walk out of the room and find my way out.

Jordan, Jeffrey and Brett, immediately follow.

"Juliet we have five minutes" he says and I speed up my walk.

Jordan, Jeffrey and Brett saw everything, they saw my inner monster.

I look down at my hands and they are all bloody.

Once we are out of the building, a black SUV pulls up and the doors automatically open.

Revealing Matthew in the driver's seat.

We get in and and pull away fast.

Turning around, I see the explosion go off and I smirk.

Looking out the window, I feel peace.

And the scary thing out of all of this was, that I didn't feel any remorse.

How is it guys.

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