Chapter 25

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I've been calling out for him for the past 30 minutes but he hasn't answer.

Where the heck is he?

"Jordan!! I need to go fricking pee, if you don't want me to pee on the bed, then come and get me out!!"

Looking around the room, I spot Benji walking out of the restroom with Jordan on his heels.

"Aww, finally, let me out Jordan, what have you been doing?" I ask him

He looks at me up and down, and then licks his lips.


I am still in the same position and clothes from last night.

Jordan didn't let put my shirt back on, so I had to sleep like this, and he didn't complain one bit.

"Please Jordan, I have to pee" I tell him again

"Fine" he finally gives in , and walks towards where I am, and starts unlocking the cuffs.

"Thank you so much" I say rubbing my wrists and stretching my arms.

Getting off the bed, I pick up Benji and run towards the restroom.

Once I'm inside, I lock the door and do my business.

When I'm done, I start forming a plan in my head.

When I'm out, Jordan is going to cuff me up again.

And I don't want that.


Got it.

Looking at the restroom window, I try to measure if I will be able to fit.

Once I'm sure, I grab a white shirt from the hamper and thank god that it does not smell bad.

Getting Benji on a tight grip, I open the window and look down.

Not that far of a jump, but still.

Looking around me, I grab all of the towels I can find and throw them down the window.

Trying to stack them up, I feel accomplished.


I forgot my phone.

Okay Juliet, you go this, Just go in there and make an excuse.

Releasing a deep breath, I unlock the door and walk out.

Jordan is sitting at the corner of the bed, looking at his hands.

"Uh, Jordan?"

He quickly looks at me and his attention is focused.


"Are you going to put me back in those?" I motion with my head at the cuffs.

His head turns and looks at the cuffs and then he faces me.

A smirk plastered on his face and then he nods.

"There is no escaping Juliet" he says

"Well" I say fiddling with my fingers.
"Can I grab my phone really quick?" I say and walks towards it.


"Because, uum, Imonmyperiod" I say it really fast and reach for my phone and run into the restroom again.

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