Chapter 34

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Gulping, I feel the angerness subside, replaced with nervousness.

"A pregnancy test, you fucking idiot" I say and hit my head on the side to make my point.

"I know what it is, but who's is it?" He asks.

Does this guy have any common sense?

"It's Monica's Jordan, yeah, I was holding it for her in my bag, perfect reason as to why I have it" I tell him while still packing up my clothes.

"You're Pregnant?" He asks with tears forming on his eyes.

I look at him and I sigh.

"Yes Jordan" I tell him while turning my body in his direction.

"I have a little one growing inside me" I saw and rub my stomach with a small smile.

"Oh My fuck" he says and falls on his knees.

I run towards up and pick his head up.

What I see, breaks my heart.


Fast tears flowing down his cheeks.

"I'm going to be a dad" he murmurs

"Yes" I reply back

"I'm going to be a fucking dad!" He shouts.

"Yes!" I shout with him

"No wonder you were all grumpy, oh my god" he gets up and hugs me.

"I'm sorry for what I said, I'm really sorry" he apologizes

"Me too" I reply.

He then picks me up and spins me around

"Jordan! Put me down you duffus!" I scream at him while tears fall down my face.

"I'm going to be a mom!" I scream it.

Saying it out loud, felt amazing.

"I fucking love you Juliet" Jordan says while kissing me.

I kiss back, but pull away to hug him.

"I'm not leaving you Jordan" I say when I see the suitcase

"I knew you wouldn't" he says and goes on both his knees.

"Trust me, I would've done it, but your sorry ass would've followed me wherever I went" I tell him with a smile

"Whatever" he says while rolling his eyes.

He lifts up my shirt and kisses my stomach.

"Little baby, I'm going to take good care of you, I already love you, and I'll take good care of your mommy too" he says and kisses it one more time.

A yawn escapes my lips, and I walk towards the bed.

"I'm sleepy Jordan" I tell him with sleepy eyes.

"Yeah me too, I'm tired from all the fighting" he says and lays down next to me.

When my eyes are about to close, I start craving something.

"Jordan?" I call out to him, while looking up at the ceiling.


"I want bacon and eggs" I tell him.

"And let me guess, you want me to make them?" He asks while getting up.

"Pleassseee, for me and the baby" I say with a smile.

"You're going to use the baby as an excuse for me to cook for you" he says while opening the door.

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