Chapter 14

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Jordan's P.O.V

When I saw Juliet talking on the phone with a smile, my possessive instincts kicked in.

I knew I shouldn't be Jealous, but come on she's mine.

She needs to get that through her beautiful head or I'll have to show her.

As soon as my lips were on hers, my inner monster calmed down.

When she opened the door I followed her, my eyes glued on her ass.

Can't wait to make her mine, completely and utterly mine

What the fuck does this guy want now?

Was the first thing that ran through my head when I saw him.

When we stepped out of the room, Juliet sat on the bed and 'George' was sitting on a chair next to a drawer.

Clearing my throat, I put a blank face on.

"George, can I speak with you in private?" I demand more than ask.

George's eyes widen and he walks with me outside of the hotel room

Eyeing Juliet to see what she's doing, I see her giving me a 'don't you dare' look, I'm guessing she thinks I'm going to beat him up...Oh well

Once the door is shut I let it out.

"What the fuck do you want 'George'?, I fucking told you not to bother us and if there was problems for you to fix them, you can't take simple orders, or do I have to burn them into your hands so you won't forget them?"

I was beyond pissed.

"I'm sorry...actually I'm not, because we have way bigger problems than this?"

"What happened now?"

This fucker better have some good excuse for interrupting me and Juliet.

"Santiago is back"

And with that, my blood ran cold.

"What the fuck do you mean he's back?" I say through gritted teeth

"Exactly what I'm saying" he says
"We were in the office discussing some things about the shipment we're getting in this week, when we got a call from the warehouse saying that 2 of our men were shot dead and there was a letter on one of the men.

"What did the letter say?"

"It said for you not to get too comfortable, he let you have your moment of victory, but that it wouldn't last long, and now that he knows that you're closer to Juliet, she's on his radar"

"They're fucking with the wrong man!!!No one and I mean no one is going near her " grabing him by his throat I slam him against the wall releasing my anger

Realizing that it wasn't his fault I let him go .


They're not going near her... Not now.Not ever

I angrily punch the wall over and over again ignoring the pain.

"What are we going to do now?" Calvin asks

"I don't know let me think?" I say grabbing my head

"And wait" I say catching his attention

"What the fuck were you doing talking to Juliet the other day at the store and 'George', really?"

Calvin gulps and sheepishly smiles.

"I'm not in the fucking mood for your fucking smiles, so now tell me what the fuck were you doing"
Taking steps towards him getting ready to punch him

"Hey, I'm sorry man, I happened to walk through the isle and saw her there, at first I thought it wasn't her but then I remembered the picture you showed me of her and saw her big-" he cuts himself off.

What.the.fuck. was he going to say?.

"What were you going to say?" I ask through gritted teeth

"No-nothing " he stutters

Running out of patience, I grab his throat and slam him with so much force against the wall


"Her- big.ass" he says in between breaths

With rage running through my veins, I pick up my fist, and punch him right in the temple.

He instantly knocks out, but I'm not going to wait for him to wake up.

Dropping him on the floor , I bend down and slap him across the face.

That does the trick.

Opening his eyes he looks around

"Wha- what happened" he says looking around

"Nothing, you just passed out"

"Oh, but why does my head hurt like a bitch?"

"Because you are one" I reply "Now get the fuck up and watch how you look at Juliet, remember she's mine, If I catch you looking at her with fucking horny eyes I'm going to punch you again or kill you, close friend or not"

"Yeah I got it, but wait.when did you punch me?"

"A little while ago" I say opening the door to the room with a small smirk on my lips

"You little shit" he says in the backround

"Ah, shut the fuck up 'George' "

And now to explain to Juliet what's happening.

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