Chapter 16

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Was all that was running through my head, when we were on top of the Eiffel Tower.

Everything looked so small and yet beautiful.

Feeling arms wrap around me, I didn't have to look behind me to know it was Jordan.

Leaning my head on his strong chest, I release a sigh of content.

"What are you thinking about Juliet?" Jordan asks softly.

"Nothing. Just enjoying this silence before the storm"

Jordan slightly stiffens, and I know I shouldn't have said that.

"Juliet, I will protect you from everything and won't let anybody or anything hurt you, I love you too much, get that through your head" he says and kisses my forehead

Blushing at his words, I look up at him.

"I love you too, Jordan" I say with a smile.

Jordan smiles back, and he hugs me even tighter.

"Can't.breath.Jordan" I jokingly say

He quickly lets go and apologizes

"I'm sorry Juliet, I didn't mean to hurt you"

"It's okay Jordan, I was playing around you duffus" I say slightly slapping his chest .

He grabs my chin, and pulls me up for a kiss.

Just then a camera flash goes off and we pull away.

"Perfect" comments a man with a camera and a coat.

Jordan quickly walks up to the guy and grabs him by his collar and pulls him towards him.

"What the fuck are you doing?" he angrily asks.

The man quickly cowards away by putting his hands up in surrender.

"I-I'm sorry sir, it's just that you guys looked so perfect that I had to take a picture of yous" he says pulling a picture that came out of the camera and hands it to Jordan.

Jordan lets go of him and looks at the picture.

He smiles and then hands it over to me.

Looking at the picture, it is perfect.

The quality was great and with the backround of paris... Beautiful

Looking back at Jordan, I roll my eyes.

Walking up to the man,I thank him.

He nods his head and leaves.

"You didn't have to react like that" I tell him

"Excuse me,but he was taking a picture of what's mine, and what's mine is mine"

Raising an eyebrow, I smirk

"Oh really?"

He nods.

"Well, every guy here is looking at me and I thought, I was only yours to look at" I innocently comment

His eyes darken and he pulls me towards him.

"If it was for me, I would keep you looked up inside and won't let anyone look at you but me" he says "But if I did that, you would punch me or kick me in the balls" He says as we walk towards the elevator.

Laughing, I grab his hand as we step onto the elevator. Once we reach the ground, we step out and walk out into the street.

As soon as were crossing the street, gunshots start going off.

Screaming, I crouch down and cover my head.

People star screaming and running for their lives.

Jordan pulls me up and we run behind a lion statue.

He pulls out his gun and clicks the safety off.

It took seconds to figure out that we were the targets.

"Shit" Jordan says and starts shooting in the direction where the bullets are coming from.

He pulled out his phone and starts dialling a number.

"Here Juliet, tell him we need a getaway car fast across the Eiffel Tower" and he goes back to shooting

After telling the person what I was suppose to ,1 minute later, a black escalate pulls up and the doors open.

Jordan grabs my hand, covers my head, and pushes me in the direction of the car.

He continues shooting until we're in the car.

With both of us out of breath, I put my hand over my heart and feel it pumping fast.

Jordan looks at me and checks me.

"Are you okay ?" He asks

Nodding, I look at who's driving and see Calvin.

"Thank you Calvin" I say

He nods his head and looks back at the road.

"We need to leave quick, he knows where we are and I'm not going to risk it" Jordan says

"Okay, I'll get the jet in 30" he says and pulls out his phone and starts calling someone.

"Where are we going Jordan?" I ask him.

When he doesn't answer, I look at him and see him on the phone with someone.

"Yes, I understand"

"Thank you, and yes I'll guard her with my life"

"Bye" he hangs up the call and stares at me

"Well?" I tell him

"Well what?"

"Who the fudge were you on the phone with!?!" I ask him, desperate for answers

"With your mom Juliet, calm down" he says

Rolling my eyes, I look out the window noticing we pass the hotel we were staying in.

"Where are we going Jordan?"

"We are going to the pack house"

And here you have it.
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