Chapter 21

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He angrily walked over to me and pulled me up by my arms.

With Benji in my hands, I put him down quickly.

"Let me go Jordan" He doesn't listen and continues to pull me

Hissing at the small amount of pain, he drags me to the bedroom and throws me onto the bed

"What the fuck was that Juliet?" He angrily asks.

Rolling my eyes, I look away from him and pay attention to the wall.


What ever you crazy man.


I continue ignoring him but I quickly stop when I feel my hair being pulled.

Hissing at the pain, he grabs my hair and makes me look up to him.

A normal person would shout at him to let them go and beg for mercy or cry, but I myself, wanted more so I would explode and shut him up.

"Let me go" I calmly say through gritted teeth.

When he pulls harder and shouts at me 'what the fuck was that' my resistance breaks loose and so does hell.

I put my hands on his and with my strenght I pull them down, when he lets go I get off the bed and kick him in the shin.

He doesn't budge, like I knew he wouldn't, so I act like I'm going to kick his thigh so he moves his hands to catch my foot, but I move my direction and kick him in the balls.

He crouches down and swings at me.

"Where you just about to hit a girl" I mockingly say.

He glares at me, but I can see the pain from the kick in his eyes.

I pick up my fist and punch him on the nose, not hearing that satisfying crack, I kick him in his stomach

That one was for making me almost drop Benji

He falls backwards and I climb on top of him in a straddle position.

Pinning both of his hands with my knees, I squeeze his face and make him look at me.

"I don't know what the hell is wrong with you, you're acting like a complete psycho, pulling my hair really?" I say with a semi serious semi mocking face.

He looks away from me, and his nose starts bleeding

"You basically forced me to do this, there was no fucking reason for you to act this way Jordan" I sincerely tell him

"Hope you get a good sleep, because you will need it" and with that said, I release his face, my hand goes to his neck and squeeze his pressure point.

He quickly knocks out cold.

And now to make him suffer.

How you guys been doing?
No she did not and is not working for the other side...or is she.

She's going to have some fun, now that he hurt her and he's asleep.

NO! She is not going to rape him in his sleep, she's just going to make him pay.....Benji is all right he's just in the bathroom not drowning, he's ok.

Love you all , and vote please

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