TBIWNG | Prelude

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"Smile is a treasure," her eyes twinkle with happiness

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"Smile is a treasure," her eyes twinkle with happiness. "Yet his was beyond that. His smile was a treat to my sight."

• • •

"We cannot control who we love," Anika says through the mic. "It happened to me too, and I fell for a man about twice my age."

• • •

"He was an ocean, and he consumed me in his never-ending depths," she says, a smile making its way on her lips.

• • •

"I don't know what it was," she says with a hint of sorrow in her tone. "All I know is that it was very strong, and I fell for him, hard and deep."

• • •

"There was no going back, no escape," she says as a tear makes its way down her cheeks. "He was my friend's father and I ended up losing my heart to him. I betrayed her."

• • •

"He ignited the fire within me," she confesses and her cheeks go a shade crimson, "and at times he would bring butterflies. He was a magician who captivated me with his sorcery."

• • •

"If he was water, I were oil.
If I were sand, he was salt," she finally asserts the truth. "No matter how hard we tried or what we did, we could never be together, we could never dissolve."

• • •

"Memories come and go," she couldn't help but feel teensy proud. "But some memories are so special that they remain in the chambers of the hearts, untouched and cherished. It is one of those memories."

• • •

"He's the boy I will never get," she says, the burden on her heart increasing with each breath she took,

"and I am okay with it."

Hello, boys and girls, take a seat

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Hello, boys and girls, take a seat.

I welcome you all in this book and request you to stick in, and no matter what happens or how the story rolls on, please stay!

You are the reason I write and it would be highly appreciated if your comments and votes keep on coming. I'll be looking forward to you all.

And just if you're curious to know, all these quotes are created by me so I request you not to steal it. If you want to use them, contact me and I'll be more than happy if you use them.

The Boy I Will Never GetWhere stories live. Discover now