TBIWNG | Chapter Three

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"A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love."

- Max Muller.

Just when Muller's words ring in the audience's ears, a boy comes running inside the venue, does the victory sign and screams out loud, "200 people!"

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Just when Muller's words ring in the audience's ears, a boy comes running inside the venue, does the victory sign and screams out loud, "200 people!"

Anika knits her eyebrows in confusion and enquires of him, "What do the mean by that?"

"Have a look!" he exclaims and her eyes wander here and there, only to realize that two hundred people were listening to her story, out of free will.

"You guys do not know how much this means to me," Anika gives them a gratitude filled smile. "Thank you all."

"Anything for a story like this," a girl speaks up and others tapped the tables, as clapping wasn't much welcomed and neither prohibited.

"Go on," she says, Anika nods.

It was all going good, just some usual jealousy that was conquering Anika's heart and made her blood boil whenever she saw Tanya with Shivaay. Her Shivaay.

One day, out of nowhere, Priyanka realized that she must go shopping. Shivaay, being the dutiful uncle he was, said that he would join her. Grabbing this opportunity, Anika jumped in her blue denims and a yellow tank top, proposing that she wanted to go as well.

Priyanka sat behind the driver's seat and the passenger seat in the front, Shivaay grabbed the steering wheel and Anika plopped down on the seat besides him. With a pretence of looking outside, she would steal glances of the thirty-three year old handsomeness sitting with her.

The car came to a halt, they hopped out and wandered inside the mall. Most of the time, it was just window shopping but Priyanka's hands were now filled with shopping bags, stuffed with jewellery, dresses and what not.

Anika just stared at them, her eyes welling up with tears. Tears of being lonely, of having no father to pamper her, to love her and of being destitute. Just when she was too lost in her thoughts, a hand rested on her wrist and pulled her towards the source.

She was now standing mere inches away from Shivaay, and he spoke in his usual husky voice, "Why are you not buying anything?"

"Nothing catched my eye yet," she gave a nonchalant shrug. "But you," she added in a much lower tone.

"Did you say anything else?" he asked, confused and she just shook her head in disapproval.

"If you are hesitant," he added with a glint in his eyes. "Then don't. My money, from now, is yours."

She looked up and stared at him with large, brown puppy eyes. "You mean that?"

He nodded, she smiled.

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