TBIWNG | Chapter Five

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“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

- Eleanor Roosevelt.

Anika pauses, “I need a break

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Anika pauses, “I need a break. I have been constantly speaking for an hour now.”

“You cannot do this,” a woman shouts. “Leaving us on the flood tide of your story? We won't let you.”

She laughs, “Oh that was just a joke.”

“That is better,” she lets out a sigh of relief as Anika grabs the mic again.

The man, too strong for Anika to fight back, tried to strangle her. He pushed her against the kitchen counter and her back appeared to break. “Shiv-”

Before she could let out the scream of help, the man hit her arm with a ladle. Anika reeled, but didn't give up. She, being the courageous self of herself, grabbed hold of a fry pan and banged it on his head.

“Ouch, screw you, you wild woman!”

Before she could catch him, he jumped out the opened windows, not before showing his middle finger and squatting as if he was a spider-man.

“You know where to shove it!” Anika screamed, loud enough to gather everyone there, in response.

Anika's eyes fell on Shivaay who entered the kitchen, running, and she knew what to do next.

She cried.

“There was this guy,” she let her hands and eyes do the talking. “Too big, too strong for me,” she wiped her tears, “he - tried to strangle me.”

Shivaay's eyes fell on the tiny yet horrible scar on her arm and he needed nothing more to empathize her. He engulfed her in a hug as he slightly rubbed the spot where the ladle had striked. “Do not worry!”

As he sat, inches away from her, blowing on her scar and applying the ointment with a lot of care, Tanya appeared in her half-drowsy state.

She stared at her husband, taking care of a stranger woman at two in the night, alone. Just then, Shivaay's eyes wandered over to his wife.

Tanya gave a feeble smile.

Without uttering even a single world, she left quietly with the same smile on her lips. Anika looked over at him surreptitiously, only to find his smile change into a frown.

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