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My head pounds as I crawl my way out of bed. I can't see well, due to the lights blinding my eyes, so I hold onto the walls as I make my way to the bathroom in the small dorm room I share with my roommate. I bend over the toilet, projectile vomiting into it. All the alcohol and pills from yesterday come up. Once I'm finished, I flush the toilet, my headache getting worse because of the noise. "Ugh," I groan.

I jump in the shower, deciding I'm not strong enough and just taking a bath. My roommate busts into the bathroom. "Morning Jay. How you doing this morning?" she asks sarcastically. My head hurts too much for me to even think of a comeback. "Don't you have a 9' o clock today?" she questions. I frown. She hands me an Advil and some water. I down it and look at her. "Thanks. And no. I moved all my classes to after 5 this semester" I respond. She nods and then waves, going to her class.

Once I get out of the shower, I go straight for my bed, still wrapped in my towel. I could honestly stay in no clothes if America allowed me to. I look over at the photo on my nightstand. I smile to myself, only to feel my face hurting. Remind me to never mix Hennessy and Ecstasy again.

My name is Jordan Gilbert. I am 23 years old, and I live in beautiful, sunny California. Los Angeles has been my home ever since I was 15. I have made many friends over the years and I couldn't ask for a better life. My aunt and uncle took me in when I was 15 because I didn't really like my home in Mystic Falls. I have two younger siblings that I haven't spoken to since I left. I kind of lost contact with my whole family in Mystic Falls. Even my parents, but I'm sure they're doing well. They always have.

My little sister Elena was only 10 and my brother Jeremy was 8. It was hard to leave them behind because I saw them as my babies, but things just weren't working out at home. My parents could not handle me and I couldn't handle them. I just feel bad that I never tried reaching out to my younger siblings. I want a relationship with them, but I'm afraid it's too late. They've probably forgotten all about me at this point.

I shrug it off, reminding myself that my family is a group of kids I went to high school with. Sadly, my aunt and uncle aren't with me anymore. My uncle past when I was 17 and my aunt recently past last year. It was really hard for me because I was so close to them and they basically gave me the life my parents couldn't. They gave me a home and a family to call my own. They were so happy that I was staying with them, not having kids of their own and of course, being too old to conceive one. And I felt blessed that I could be their daughter even if I was already 15 and almost an adult. It just felt nice to be with a normal family for once.

After hours of drinking water and taking naps, my hangover passes and I decide to get up and start getting ready for my 5:30 in a few minutes. The class isn't too far from me and I never feel the need to dress to impress when it comes to classes, so I get ready fast. I throw on some sweats and a tank top with slippers. Not only am I in Los Angeles where it is hot all year round, but it's almost May and so now heat waves are happening. That still doesn't stop me from wearing my comfortable sweats. I grab some books, my laptop, and charger, shoving it into my bag. I take a deep breath, making sure I have everything before coming out of my room and locking it.

On my way to class, I run into Ferris, my roommate. "Off to class, "I tell her, rushing past her. She tries to tell me something but I just yell back that I have to go. If I don't speed walk to class, I am going to be late and I like getting there right on time. Not early, not late, but right on the dot. It's always been a weird habit of mine and I don't know why.


I take out my book, ready to write down something important when I realize I don't have a pen. I groan. Why do I always have to forget something? I look to the guy in front of me, only seeing his back. I shrug and tap on him. He turns around and both of our chocolate brown eyes make contact. "Can I borrow a pen?" I ask. He smirks. "Only if you agree to go to a party with me later tonight". I smirk as well. "Deal" I agree, extending my hand for the pen. He places it in my hand, grazing my fingers as he let's go of the pen. He turns around slowly.

The girl sitting next to me gives me a look. I frown, almost asking her what she is looking at, but I keep my professionalism since we are in class. I don't like disrupting teachers. Especially because i can't really afford to get kicked out of class. It's my last week of college before I graduate. I start testing tomorrow and then I have a ceremony that my high school friends will be attending.

The girl next to me leans over. "You should be careful with Brody. He isn't the relationship type" she whispers. I lowly laugh and shrug. "Me either"I respond. The girl just gives me a small smile, then continues her work. I am not the relationship type of person. I never really tried being in a relationship with someone. The last time I did, it didn't turn out well and after that, I never really cared to try again. I know it sounds very dramatic, but it's nothing like that. It's just something I'm not very interested in. I can't see myself being serious with someone anytime soon.


I meet Brody at the frat house where the party is going on. I promise myself that I won't get drunk and stay out late especially because I have testing tomorrow and need a good nights sleep. I can't have a hangover and focus on tests at the same time. I've never been good at multi-tasking.

"You look great" Brody yells over the blaring music. I roll my eyes, not believing him. I literally just threw on a pair of jeans and a blouse that I wore sometime last week with some sneakers and a cross body bag. My friend here has very low expectations for a frat boy. "Thanks," I say, not knowing how to answer. He just smirks and offers me a drink. I politely decline and he doesn't push it any further.

We kind of just dance awkwardly while everyone else is going crazy. I guess he could tell how irritated i am getting with the people who keep bumping into me, and he nods his head toward upstairs. I pull my signature move and shrug, agreeing with him and following Brody up the staircase. It leads to a hallway with many doors, but he chooses the one closest to the staircase. I follow him in, closing the door after us. We can still hear the eardrum popping music, but not as heavily as downstairs.

Brody awkwardly scratches the back of his neck. "So, everyone is getting piss drunk and you have quite the reputation for being a party animal. Why haven't you even touched a drink?" He questions. I smile and shrug, taking a drink of my water. "I have testing tomorrow and if I want to keep up my party behavior, I need a good job so I can afford alcohol and a place to wake up when I have a hangover". Brody smirks. "Wow. Not the average college girl". I take it as a compliment. I get up from my seat and walk over to him, sitting on his lap.

"Is that a good thing?" I tease, getting close to his face. Brody gives me his famous smirk. "Very," he says, kissing me.

Treacherous//book 1Where stories live. Discover now