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It's graduation day and I am finally over with college and ready to be set off into the real world. My best friend Tessa, who is basically like my sister, tackles me in a hug. "Oh my gosh, I'm so proud of you. Aren't we proud of her?" She asks my other 3 friends. They all smile proudly and nod. We take many pictures and then we head over to a place to eat. "So, we're still going clubbing right?" Tessa asks me. I nod. "Of course. I just need to go home first and change real quick. Then we head out to the city" I explain. My four friends nod, agreeing. 

After lunch, I go straight to my dorm. I have to clear out of here by next week, so I am moving in with Tessa until I can find my own apartment and of course, I'd be working, but looking for a better job with my bachelor's in criminology.

I get in the shower and for a good 30 minutes, I hum along to some music. After getting out, I start to look for an outfit. I have the dorm to myself because Ferris cleared out two days ago and moved back into her parent's house in Santa Fey. She's saving her money until she can buy a house and start working in the criminal justice field. She's always been really smart with money, and unlike me, she is not a party animal, and really just likes to go to the college bar to have a few drinks with her study buddies.

After I pick out my dress, my phone starts to ring. I walk over to it, seeing that I don't know the caller. I answer anyway, curious. After the conversation, I fall back on my bed. The air gets lost in my lungs. I feel like I've been punched in the stomach. My aunt Jenna. She's dead. Gone. They want me to attend her funeral. Jenna and I aren't that far apart in age and basically grew up together. The fact that she is gone just really hit me hard. I don't know if I can take any more loss, but the only reason I'm going is because of Jeremy and Elena. Somehow, Sheriff Forbes got my number and begged me to come back for Jenna's funeral and a discussion about Elena and Jeremy. They must be torn apart as well as my parents. I have to go and say goodbye to Jenna for the last time.

I go online, booking a flight for tonight. It leaves in three hours. I start throwing random things into a bag. I call Tessa, telling her the situation. "I'll be back by Friday no later" I assure her. I can hear her sigh through the phone, but she apologizes and sends her condolences. "Have a safe flight, Jay. Please call me when you land. Love you, sis". I end the call with the same thing and then I hear the line go dead.


The ride to my old house in Mystic Falls is silent. The taxi driver cruises down the safe and quiet streets of Mystic Falls, going through all the familiar places to get to my parent's house. It's been 8 years, yet everything looks the same. Nothing in Mystic Falls has changed since I left and it kind of scares me. I've become so accustomed to a loud, always innovative city, that this is creepy to me.

We finally pull up to my old house and I see unfamiliar cars parked in front. I pay and tip the driver and he wishes me a good day before going off. I take a deep breath. My parents must've gotten a new car because their old car isn't in the driveway.

I walk up the steps and look around the front porch, everything normal and just the same as when I was 15. Before I could get a chance to knock on the door, it opens. A man with black hair, piercing blue eyes and pale skin stares at me. "And you are?" He asks. I frown. "Could ask you the same". He crosses his arms and leans against the doorway. "Look stranger danger, right now is really not a good time for jokes or sarcasm. My bro's girl's aunt kind of just past away". My frown deepens. I push past him.

Once I walk into the house, I see two of Elena's childhood friends and two strange men. One looks like a teen and the other like an adult. They frown at me, but then recognition takes over Bonnie and Caroline's face. Bonnie comes over to me and wraps me in a hug. "Gosh, Jordan. It's good to see you. I'm so sorry about Jenna". I shake my head, trying to hold back tears. "Where's Elena and Jeremy? My parents?" I question. A confused look takes over Bonnie's face, but no one has time to say anything else before two grown teenage kids come down the stairs.

Elena's eyes are the first to land on me and then Jeremy. I see the tears in Elena's eyes and hold my breath, trying to keep in my own. "Jordan?" She asks, shakily. I smile sadly and nod. She runs over to me and I hug her, stroking her silky brown hair. She cries in my arms. I open my eyes, looking at Jeremy. He stares and I smile at him, holding out my arm. He walks over and joins the hug.

"Is this another young aunt that we don't know about?" The male from the door asks. Elena and Jeremy pull away from the hug. Elena stays with one arm wrapped around me while Jeremy pulls away. "Damon no. This is Jordan. My older sister". The room goes silent.

I turn to Elena. "Where's mom and dad?" I question, my frown returning. A new facial expression hits her face. "Um, you'll see them. They're with Jenna right now". I nod. "I'm ready to go when you are. I got dressed in the airport". She nods and we all walk out, separating into different cars.


Once we arrive at the cemetery, I almost shed tears. But I stop myself, remembering I have to be strong for Elena and Jeremy. This is not the first memory I want them to have of me after 8 years. I want them to know me as their tough big sister that can take on the world. Not as the girl who walked out on them and came back a wimp.

I feel a hand on me. I turn to see Caroline. I smile sadly at her. She returns the favor. I have always loved all of Elena's childhood friends like they were siblings of my own. Caroline, Matt, and Bonnie have been extended family to us before they were even born.

We walk over to Jenna's burial ground. She doesn't have a headstone yet, which makes the tears in my eyes retract. It isn't final. Her life isn't written in stone yet. Apart of her is still alive. That's how I view it. 

Elena lays down a rose. I lie my head on Jeremy's shoulder. She gets up and starts to walk to another headstone. I frown, following her. Once my eyes land on the grave, I feel weak. I drop to my knees right when Elena puts down the roses.

The tears come again, but I push them away. You can't cry Jordan. You don't have the right to be sad. "I-i need to go" I whisper, but Elena hears me. She turns around and gives me a pleading look, but I can't. My breath catches in my throat as i get up and start to run away. I run all the way out the cemetery until I hit the town. I run all the way back home and there i just break down.

A car pulls into the driveway and Elena gets out, running over to me. She holds me as i sob in her arms. "I'm so sorry" i keep repeating. She shushes me, rocking me back and forth.

Treacherous//book 1Where stories live. Discover now