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"Why would an original vampire follow me to California?" Jeremy asks.

I take a deep breath.

"We kind of did something to piss them off" I say.

Elena shakes her head.

"No, I did something to piss them off".

Jeremy frowns.

"I made a deal with the actual devil. AKA, Esther Mikaelson, their mom. She's a powerful witch and she did a binding spell so that if one of them is killed, all of them are killed. Yesterday, Klaus made Bonnie unbind them, threatening her with you. I just didn't think he would actually send his brother over here especially after Bonnie did the spell for them which is why I didn't mention it to you".

Tess stands up from her seat and pours herself the strongest alcohol in sight.

"Jordan, what the hell did I just see and what the hell is an Original vampire ? And please tell me you're joking about the witch part".

I take a deep breath and explain everything to her. By the end of it, she seems more interested and less scared than I would have expected from a person who knows nothing about the supernatural world. She is taking the news a lot better than I did when I first found out. I can almost remember the exact argument I had with my dad.

"Jay, you've been dealing with all of this and haven't told me?".

She stands up and gives me a big hug. She then turns to Jeremy.

"So every so often, when I hear you talking in the middle of the night, you're talking to ghosts?" she questions.

Jeremy nods.

"Yeah. My ex-girlfriend actually".

A look then comes across Damon's face and I know what he's thinking.

"Do you think you can get in contact with Rose? We need to figure out who turned her in order to know which Mikaelson not to kill so Stefan, Caroline and I don't die".

Jeremy nods and then a bang on the door disrupts us. I look through the peephole and I look back at everyone.

"It's Kol" I mouth.

He has blood all over his mouth and clothes.

"I can hear each one your heart beats. I will rip each and everyone out and eat it for dinner".

I walk back over to the couch.

"Have you guys invited him in?" Damon asks Tess and Jer.

Tess nods.

"Only one time".

I take a deep breath. Damon walks over to Tess's blender so that Kol can't hear us over the noise. He then walks back to us and whispers "You guys sneak out the fire escape. I will distract him".

Everyone nods and one by one, we climb out the fire escape. Once we're all out, we hear the door to the apartment slam open. We reach the bottom floor and right as we get in the car, I see Kol sticking his head out the window. I then see him being choked by something. Tess speeds off and parks on the busiest street. Hollywood Blvd. Kol wouldn't do anything too stupid.

After 30 minutes of waiting, Damon texts saying that he staked Kol again.

"Tell him to meet us here and then we go to Disney".

Elena and I frown at Tess. She frowns back, taking another sip of her coffee that she mixed with vodka. I then realize that Tessa might just be an alcoholic.

"What? Just because a 1,000-year-old vampire that I thought was cute is chasing after us doesn't mean that we can't have some fun while running away. And plus, where else would we go? A basic motel? I don't think so".

Jer and I laugh.

"It's so like you to say that in a situation like this".

Tessa leans her head on my shoulder.

"That's why I'm your best friend".

Damon arrives and surprisingly, he agrees with the idea. Plus, he needs a meal to regain all the energy fighting Kol took from him. On the car ride there, Jeremy is able to contact Rose. I look back from the front seat as Jeremy is having a conversation with her.

"She says that she was turned by a vampire named Mary. We would have to follow up with that lead to see who turned Mary".

Damon and Elena make eye contact.

"Ask if she knows where to find Mary," Elena says to Jeremy.

Jeremy asks Rose and looks directly at me.

"She lives in Santa Monica at this address".

Jeremy writes something down on his phone and shows me. I look at Tessa.

"Tess, this is the address next to your old house from high school. She sneaks a peek at the phone and her jaw drops.

"We'll go there tomorrow. We're already close to Disney and it's already 4:30. Just imagine the traffic". Tessa decides.

I nod, agreeing.

"Okay. One day of fun before vampire hunting. Who's in?".

Everyone's excited but I know we're all still scared and we're just trying to hide it.


Once at Disney Land, we take in all the lights and all the fun rides. We check in and pay for a one night stay at the hotel. One room should be enough for us. We can fit into the two king-sized beds we reserved and Damon paid for. What a gentleman.

"So what's the first thing we should do?" Jeremy asks.

By now, Tess is drunk. So much so that halfway through the drive, we had to switch seats.

"We're in Anaheim Disneyland baby. We can do anything we want" Tess says drunkenly.

Damon smirks at her and I laugh.

"Alright, roller coaster it is".

Tessa gives a face.

"Maybe not that first. Unless you want me to puke all over you".

We all give her disgusted looks but then Jeremy gets an idea.

"How about we eat first, watch the parade and then go for the rides so everything can go down and process correctly?".

Everyone nods, agreeing with the idea.

"Okay but the vampire is paying" Tess slurs, walking away.

Damon shakes his head.

"Say it any louder" he hums.

Tessa goes to do it but Jeremy covers her mouth.

"It's a secret, remember Tess". And just as I say that I get a flashback.

I'm on top of someone's shoulders as the fireworks go off. The crowd is huge and all the little kids are in front, pointing and screaming as each firework of color erupts in the air.

"You should tell your friends about this" the man yells. And when he looks up, I see it's Stefan. I smile down at him.

"It's our little secret".

Reality hits me and I look up. I have a stupid grin on my face and everyone is looking at me weirdly.

"What's got you smiling?" Damon asks with a smirk.

I shoot him a pointed glare.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out".

Everyone raises an eyebrow but shrugs it off, more focused about the food they're about to devour than my daydream.

Treacherous//book 1Where stories live. Discover now