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I stand in front of the house that always gave me the creeps as a kid. I passed by here a lot when I went on long runs, but I never knew all the secrets it had to hide. Thanks to Alaric, I know them all now. I take a deep breath in and walk toward the front door. I feel a gust of wind pass me and the door flying open. My heart races as my protective instincts take over.

"Elena!" I call out. There is no sign of anyone downstairs so I race upstairs, hearing voices. "I'm the one who brought the cure" I hear Elena say. I follow the voice into a room. "Elena I think there's another vampire in this house". Elena turns around, not looking like herself. "Jordan?" I hear another voice call out, only the voice is my sisters. It then clicks. I cross my arms. "So you're Katherine?". Katherine smiles. "I'm that known? Who are you?". She tilts her head a little. "The big sister," I say, pushing past her.

I go over to Elena, wrapping her in a hug and checking her. "Why are you here? How do you know about vampires? How do you know about Katherine?" She questions. I shake my head. "I'll explain that later. Jeremy is okay, you're okay, Damon is going to be killed by my own hands in about .3 seconds". Elena shakes her head. "Stop. He's not in the right state of mind. He's been bitten by a wolf. He's going to die any second now". Something suddenly clouds over my heart.

I turn toward Damon, seeing Katherine giving something that looks like blood to him. "Where's Stefan?" Elena asks. Katherine frowns. "You sure you care?".

"Where is he?" I ask now, becoming defensive. "He's paying for this" Katherine says, showing me the bottle of blood. Then explaining how Stefan gave himself to Klaus. She then starts to walk away, but not before turning around. "Oh. It's okay to love them both. I did". She throws the bottle to Elena and then flashes out. I turn toward Elena. "What was she talking about Le?" I question. She shakes her head. We both turn to a now-healed Damon.

"Now, explain to us how you know all this information," Damon asks. I sit on the bed, leading Elena to us. I explain everything to them, leaving out the part on why I left. Just telling them that John trusted me enough to let me in on all the secrets. Elena turns to me. "I'm sorry. I didn't know you knew all of this. I would be scared too. I didn't mean all those things about you being selfish". I shake my head. "Don't worry Elena. I was being selfish. But I'm your big sister. And with the help of Alaric, Bonnie, Damon, and Caroline, we will get Stefan back. Do you hear me? We are not giving up on him. If you love him, I love him too. Your family is my family".

Elena nods. Damon smirks, wiping the sweat off his forehead. "Hey. I like your sister now. You should've come around sooner. I think you would've succeeded in killing Katherine". I laugh, shaking my head.


Dear journal,

It's been three months since Stefan has left to be with Klaus, the hybrid original who killed my sister and aunt Jenna. He's the reason uncle John is gone. I will kill him, even if I have to die with him.

Elena has been really quiet lately, but I get it. The love of her life is off with Klaus because he saved his brother. I never really got to speak to Stefan, but I made the promise to Elena that her family is my family and if she loves someone, then I love them too. I have failed Elena and Jeremy before, but that's the past, not the future. I refuse to fail them again.

In these past few months, I haven't really gotten to spend quality time with my siblings being that I spent most of the summer with Alaric and Damon. Damon is obsessed with my sister, whether he likes to admit it or not. Alaric has become my best friend. We drink a lot together and Damon joins, but he is also focused on finding his brother. Today, Caroline is throwing a party, even though Elena doesn't want it. So today, after a very long time, I get to stop being so serious and party. I hope that goes well. Until next time.

I put the journal under my bed. It's something no one can ever find unless I tell my secret. I walk over to my mini-fridge, taking out a water bottle. I drink the water full of vervain. I hear Alaric come up the stairs and I immediately exit my room.

"Anything new?" I ask. He nods his head. "Damon and I are heading over to Memphis, Klaus and Stefan are leaving a trail and Damon got an address". My eyes go wide as I run into my room. I pack a bag and grab some wooden stakes. I follow Alaric to his car. "Where're the kids?" I ask as he drives off. "Elena went off somewhere and Jeremy is at work". I nod.

Recently, Jeremy started working at the grill with Matt. Elena hasn't been home much, doing all she can to find Stefan. But there is only so much she can do. Klaus isn't to know Elena is alive. He will kill her and for good this time. I can't afford to lose anyone else. Especially not my siblings. Seeing Jeremy die three months ago was enough, but to see them die for good will make me go off the edge. I've lost so much already, but Jeremy and Elena are my whole life. I will die with them if one of them dies.

Damon meets us in the town square, carrying a tray of coffee cups. I frown. He hops in the backseat. "Wow. I bring coffee and I get the back seat?" He says sarcastically. Alaric rolls his eyes while I just chuckle, grabbing two cups for Alaric and I. "Since when did you become a coffee person?" I ask Damon, seeing him down some coffee. He shrugs. "Take a sip". I do so, and as it hits my tongue I immediately taste the bourbon. "Oh". Alaric has the same reaction, but I take it away from him. "No no. We kind of need to find my sisters' boyfriend, so just drive amigo". Alaric groans, but starts the drive.


"You know I keep waiting for them to kick me out but they don't. I don't know why. It's not like I'm helping them or anything" I hear Alaric say. I slowly rise from the backseat of the car. When did I get here?

I see Alaric and Damon outside. Damon turns around and makes eye contact with me, sighing. I get out of the car. "How'd I end up back here?". Damon smirks. "I may have kind of slipped a sleeping pill in the bourbon you were drinking". I roll my eyes. "What? I'm sorry but if we have a run in with Stefan, he's going to rip your head off if he has anything to do with these animal attacks. Elena can't afford to lose anyone else. Especially not dear sister Jay". I sigh, understanding. "Yeah, well next time, just say it. I don't like being drugged".

I hop out the car and follow Damon and Alaric in the house. Damon puts a foot in, it's clear that the owner of the house was murdered being that vampires can't enter a property if the owners haven't invited them in. "Woah, what kind of vampire got in here?" I ask once we come face to face with two women who have their decapitated heads placed on their bodies.

"Stefan kind of vampire. It's his signature. He sucks their blood so much to the point where their heads come off and after he feels guilty, so he tries to put it back together again. That's why they call him the ripper" Damon explains. You'd think after seeing and hearing all of this that I'd think Stefan is a horrible person, but I know he's not. There has to be a lot of good in him if Elena loves him. She's never really had a thing for bad boys. From the days that he was around, I could tell he is a really great person, so I believe this is only happening because of Klaus.

Damon grabs a blanket and puts it on both of them. He then gets a jar of gas and starts to pour it on them. Alaric questions him and Damon explains that he's covering Stefan and Klaus' tracks because they have no interest in staying in the dark, but he does. Damon goes to light a match but I stop him. "Wait". He pauses, blowing it out. I take off a rug on a tile because I feel that is shaky. I then open it up to see a cellar with slash marks and chains everywhere. "Well, what do you know? Werewolves" Damon states, a twinkle in his eye.

We back away from the living room as Damon re-lights a match. Alaric and I walk out before he throws the match, setting the whole living room on fire.

Treacherous//book 1Where stories live. Discover now