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The plane ride to California is silent. Jeremy is excited to have a fresh start. He keeps talking about all the babes in Cali that he can't wait to meet. I tell him all about it while Elena and Damon sit in the row behind us since he insisted on coming. Him and I weren't on speaking terms after the events of last night. Lately, I find myself being angry at him more than anything else. Every week, there's a new argument between him and I.

"What's the tension between you and Mrs.Salvatore?" Jeremy asks. I shrug.

"You know him, he's just a certified ass".

Jeremy raises an eyebrow. I sigh.

"Okay, only because you're my brother and I can confide in you". He nods, waiting for the juicy story.

"I walked in on Elena and Damon kissing" I whisper. I feel Damon kick my seat so I raise my middle finger for him.

"Woah. Hands on his brother's girl? Not cool. Dick move" Jeremy says a little loud. We smirk at each other.

"And you want to know something even crazier about Mr dead guy? He thinks I love him. He's actually insane". Jeremy's eyes go wide.

"Okay, I don't much know about your life, but I don't think you've loved any man before. You're my cool older sister. Being in love is overrated. Look where it's gotten, Elena".

And then it hits me. I've never allowed myself to love any man or allowed any man to love me. I snap out of it quickly.

"Yeah, super" I add, even though I don't know if I feel that way.

Once we reach California, Elena and Damon stroll behind us. Elena keeps her distance because she is embarrassed from being caught kissing Damon. Damon keeps his distance because he feels bad that I caught them kissing. That's the difference. Elena is totally blind to the fact that while Damon is in love with her, he loves me and I may just feel the same way about him. But something empty inside of me is holding me back. No, it's not that I'm his second choice. There's something else that I can't quite understand. The feeling of someone else and better, but who? I don't feel for anyone else the way I feel for Damon.

A girl with blonde hair and blue eyes holds up a sign, calling me by my party name.

"Drink it Jay" Jeremy reads, a smirk on his face. I cover my own but run over to Tessa.

"Oh my gosh, you're here! It feels like forever. We need to hit the club like as soon as possible". I disagree with a head shake. "Not a party girl anymore". I then turn back to the three people behind me.

"Oh shit. So Tess, this is my brother Jeremy, my sister Elena and one of her boyfriends, Damon".

Tessa gives me her famous look. Elena glares at me.

"Okay, well i'm so excited to have you guys. Come on, let's get to the car before they make D drive off".

My eyes go wide in excitement. D is someone we went to high school with. He's always had a crush on Tess, so he would give us free weed. He's been apart of my little family since we graduated High School.

"Got a blunt rolled up in the car" she whispers. I give her a pouty face.

"I can't. My sister would murder me". Tess shoos me off and rushes over to the car to open the trunk. D gets out the car and greets me with open arms as the rest of them throw their stuff into the trunk. Security walks toward to try to hassel, but we get into the car and D drives off. I introduce everyone to D.


We finally arrive at Tess' three bedroom apartment. She has one roommate, but the girl is such a sweetheart. I met her before I was supposed to move in. She's never home because she works late shifts and during the day, she volunteers at animal shelters, soup kitchens and just different things everyday. She's smart though. She keeps herself super busy and out of trouble. She's going somewhere in life and I envy her. I envy her because i'm living day to day. Not knowing if death is going to come knocking on my door when I wake up in the morning. My life is full of extreme uncertainties and standing in the middle of Tessa's living room reminds me of everything i've given up.

I snap myself out of it and take a seat on her couch.

"I only have two rules in this house". I smirk, waiting for how uncomfortable it's going to make Elena.

"Rule number 1, if you have sex in this house that's not your bedroom, make sure there's no residue".

I let out a laugh. Elena turns her face. Damon and Jeremy both have a smirk.

"Rule number 2 is not to break rule number one because it's just not cool dude. It's just straight up nasty".

Tessa then turns her eyes on me. The look in her eyes screams that she has a story to share. My eyes go wide and I leap to cover her mouth.

"Nope, she doesn't have anything to say. She's just crazy".

Tessa and I both laugh and she licks my hand. I pull it away and wipe it on my jeans.

"Ya nasty". She smirks. "Only in the sheets".

She then gets up and goes into the kitchen.

"Anybody want anything?". I sneak a peek of Damon staring at her ass. I let an evil grin overtake my lips.

"What you need is a doggie bowl to drool in". I say to Damon. Tessa and Jeremy laugh at this.

I walk into Tessa's room and roll up a blunt. I may not be able to smoke it, but the scent should be enough for me as we drive to enroll Jeremy in his new school. I come out of the room and Tessa is handing out drinks to everyone and a cup of wine to Damon. "Let's hit the road, T". She nods and grabs her bag. I show her the blunt and she blows me a kiss. Elena gives me a look, but I shake my head, assuring her it's not for me.

We get in her car this time since D just came to drop us off. She starts the car and immediately lights the blunt. I roll the windows down so i'm not being hot boxed. She frowns, and then something hits her.

"Do you have a bun in the oven?". I give her a sad smile. "Yes".

She stops at a red light, ashes the blunt and then claps her hand.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so excited. Who's the daddy?". I raise an eyebrow.

"It was a one night stand and honestly, i'm not keeping it".

She gives me a sad look. "You mean abortion?". And then the light turns green and she starts driving again.

"I don't know. I'm scared to be pregnant with the type of life i'm living. We can just say, my job is worse than being a stunt double in a Tom Cruise movie. And what if I give the baby up for adoption and it comes looking for me in the future and it wants a relationship with it's parents but i don't even know the fathers name?" I rant.

Tessa laughs. "I think you should do whatever you think is right. Maybe giving it up for adoption would be your best option". I nod my head and agree.

"Yeah, you're right. I don't believe in abortions but I may just get one taking care of Elena and Jeremy" I half joke, but it's not a joke at all.

Tessa laughs.

"Are they really that bad? They seem like nice kids. Nicer than us when we were their age".

I sigh. "It's not really that they're bad kids. My family kind of just brings a lot of unwanted energy and attention".

Tessa nods. "Yeah. I know that part. Anyway. I love you no matter what, and if you feel like you're not ready to have this baby, then you're not ready, no questions asked".

I smile to myself. Tessa is the best.

Treacherous//book 1Where stories live. Discover now