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Alaric wakes me up early in the morning. My head is pounding and I don't quite remember how I got home. Thinking about it, I don't remember what happened after I ft the Grill with Mr. rando. But the soreness I'm feeling kind of speaks for itself. "I found something I think you want to see," he says. I frown but I get up and get ready quickly. Alaric drives all the way to a random cave without telling me where we're going. And I don't ask because I kind of like the eeriness and mystery of this trip. But we stop in front of an underground tunnel entrance. I frown. "What exactly are we doing here?".

We both get out of the car and come face to face with Damon. "I need you both to see something important. I think I found something in that cave that a certain hybrid doesn't want us to know". Damon smirks. "And we're back with another episode of hybrid busters". I roll my eyes. "Let's just go". I go into the tunnel first and Alaric and Damon follow. "What's the weirdness?" Ric asks out loud. "Oh, no weirdness, I just don't like him" I respond, referring to Damon. Alaric nods. "Well, that makes two of us".

Alaric takes the lead and leads Damon and me into a cave. "Want to tell me what I did to the two of you?" he asks, arms crossed and leaning against a wall. I look at Alaric and he puts his fingers on his chin. "Hm, let me think. You killed me and" he looks at me for my answer. "Oh, he knows what he did". Alaric nods. "Yeah, you know what you did, any further questions?". Damon rolls his eyes. "Okay, I'm sorry" he apologizes. Alaric nods. "Mason may have accepted your half apology, but not me". I smirk. Damon goes to speak but I cut him off. "Don't think we came to make amends with Damon. Ricky, why don't you show us what Ken and Barbie may be hiding".


"So, anything juicy happened yesterday?" I ask Alaric. I'm still hungover from yesterday, so Alaric is driving home. "We successfully locked up Stefan with Lexi's help". I open my eyes wide. "Oh yeah, I remember that name. His dead vampire friend. How'd you do that?". Alaric shrugs. "All Elena". I nod. "Was I as rude to Elena as I remember, or is it just a dramatic drunk memory?". Alaric gives his famous sympathetic smile. "You kind of were". I put my head down. "Not like she doesn't deserve it". I see Alaric shake his head. "She's been through a lot. Lost a lot. Just cut her some slack".

I look up and all the anger bubbles us. "She's been through a lot? What about me? What about Jeremy? We lost Jenna too. And our parents and John. And every day, we put our asses on the line to protect Elena with no complaint. I don't mind doing it. She's my little sister. I get it, it's my job. But no one can say that she's the only one who's been through hell and back when Jeremy and I have been through the same exact thing and worse. Jeremy has lost both his girlfriends to death and no one has even asked him if he was okay about it. So yes, I do make mistakes and I do tell Elena how it is, and sure, maybe I should back off, but not one of you can say that she's been through more than Jeremy and I".

By this time, Alaric is shut. No comment. Not one thing comes out of his mouth until we reach the house. "You're right Jordan. I've never seen it like that". When I don't answer, he sighs and gets out the car, leaving the keys. I switch to the driver's seat once I see that he went inside the house. I drive off to the place where someone is going to make me feel better. The graveyard.

Once I'm there, I get out and walk to the place that has become so familiar to me. Jenna Sommers next to Miranda and Grayson Gilbert. "Well, do you feel good about yourselves? Left the whole world to hate me. I know Elena still secretly resents me because she thought I left her. If only she knew the secrets you guys used to hide from your two precious little angels. If only she knew the things you exposed me to as a child. You ruined me. And I still loved you and took care of the kids when you were off late nights. They don't remember but I'll never forget. And I will keep it a secret for as long as I live because I don't want your perfect kids' vision of their perfect parents to be ruined. I absolutely love those kids. I will give my life up for them in a heartbeat. They are my life".

Tears are pouring down my face as I vent to a gravestone. I scream because I know that nobody can hear me. That nobody will care. Because in Mystic Falls, everyone only cares about one person. And that's themselves. Of course, only if you're not close to Elena and you're expected to give up your life if she needs you to. I love my little sister, but I don't love that the world revolves around them. My parents weren't great to me, but the one important lesson that they taught me was selflessness. They taught that to Jeremy and Elena and she had it right for so long. But it all got ruined.

"Jordan". I look back and I'm face to face with Caroline Forbes. I quickly wipe my eyes and get up from the floor. "I heard someone screaming and wanted to check up on it". I nod my head. "It's alright over here,"I say, my voice cracking. "I know you're not okay so I'm not even going to ask. Just come here". She holds her arms out for me and I gladly walk into them. I break down and just cry on her shoulder. " I can't imagine what it's like for you to have lost these many people in your life". I couldn't answer, but I just kept crying. "I'm here for you Jay. You're my big sister. You always have been. And it sounds crazy, but I know what it's like to walk in Elena's shadow. Everyone loves her so much that they want us to be just like her and that's just not who were are".

I nod, finally getting myself together. "I love her so much, but it's so hard to be happy when people constantly want me to be her". Caroline nods. "I just want people to love me the way they love her".

Treacherous//book 1Where stories live. Discover now