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"Klaus, I need your help". I say, once entering the bar. He frowns and puts down his drink. Caroline is standing next to Klaus and looks confused when she sees me. 

"Care, it's okay. Elena is in trouble and you're the only one who can control your sister". 

Klaus frowns. 

"Why is it my issue that my sister is torturing yours?". 

I sigh. 

"Oh come on Klaus, I know you have a heart" I try. 

Caroline snorts and Klaus smirks. 

"A crazy thought" Klaus rebuttals. 

I take a deep breath in and roll my eyes. 

"Okay because Rebekah is trying to kill your only option to make weirdo copies of yourself".

Klaus drops his smirk and puts his drink down, leaving a generous tip. He starts to walk out of the bar, Caroline and I following suit. 

"You're lucky she's the only thing letting me make my hybrids because if it wasn't for this, I would never let anyone ruin my night out". 

I roll my eyes. I know Klaus has some kind of a heart under all that hate. I mean, I don't trust him and I still hate him for killing Jenna, Elena and attempting to do it again, adding Jeremy to the equation, but I guess I see the damaged part of him as well. I mean, for god's sake, his mom is literally trying to kill him and all his siblings all over again, calling them abominations. 

We arrive at the cave where Elena is and as soon as we get out of the car, Klaus screams in pain. I see a big gash on his hand and watch as it disappears. 

"What the hell?" he asks, confused. I stay shut, already know that one of his siblings must've gotten hurt in the same place because of the binding spell. He looks around before shaking it off and leading Caroline and I into the cave. I hear Rebekah and Elena going back and forth. He turns back to Care and I and puts his finger on his lips, warning us to be silent.

He then dashes out of sight, Care and I slowly walking behind him. I hear Rebekah scream and then I start running, Caroline already ahead of me. There I see Klaus struggling with Rebekah and I get in between them. Rebekah goes to push me out the way until Elena screams. "Stop! Don't hurt her". Rebekah wraps me in a headlock. Klaus backs away. I can't speak due to the choking, but I hold my stomach. 

"She's pregnant Rebekah". 

Rebekah immediately let's go of me. Caroline looks shocked.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know". I frown and hold my bruised neck. 

"It's not like you would care anyway. All your family cares about is yourself. You Mikaelson's are a bunch of conceited, selfish freaks with mommy issues who don't take the time to even think about the lives around you. You have lived for centuries, betraying each other and believing you're the most important beings because of all of your lifetimes. Well, news flash, other people matter too. You may just see us as pawns or food, but we are not just sick pieces in your twisted game. We are humans, and vampires, and wolves and witches with families who love us and won't betray us by daggering us or trying to kill us the moment we become an inconvenience to them. We overcome and fight for each other. And when we're mad, we don't terrorize other people to make ourselves feel better, okay? So just learn a lesson or two and maybe you wouldn't be in situations likes these all the time".

Treacherous//book 1Where stories live. Discover now