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"You guys ready to go?".

Jeremy and Elena nod. Caroline, Tyler, Stefan, Bonnie, Matt, Tess, Elena, Damon, Jer and I all stand in the living room of my childhood home.

"Wow, just a few months ago, we were here with Ric".

I try not to think of the memory. I look back at the door and smile though.

"Damon was a real dick," I say, remembering the first time we ever met. He was an asshole with humor.

"Oh, I still am".

I laugh. Everyone laughs.

"Alright, well, I guess it's time to go," Elena says.

I look at the time.

"Yes. Matt, you're still coming right?".

He nods.

"Yep. I got no business here dealing with hunter Ric and half dead Klaus so let's go".

The boys help Elena and Tess with their bags, leaving Caroline, Bonnie and I in the house. I turn to them.

"Bonnie, did you try the spell?".

She nods her head in a yes motion.

"Yeah but for some reason, it's not working. I guess my magic just isn't strong enough".

I sigh.

"It's okay. An unbinding spell is really hard".

I turn to Caroline.

"No news on the rest of the crazy Mikaelson's?".

She shakes her head.

"No. It's like all traces of them disappeared. Don't you think it's a little sad they all left Klaus behind?".

I nod my head.

"But, I guess that's what being a Mikaelson means. Their lives are superior to everyone else's. Even when it comes to their own flesh and blood. That's the saddest part in my eyes".

The conversations stops when Elena pokes her head in the door.

"We're ready".

I nod. I mouth a thank you to Bonnie and Caroline. Elena and the girls hug one last time before she goes away to paradise, away from all this toxin. Stefan and I make eye contact and I looked away, pained. I wish he could just be sent off too but it's not so easy.

"We have Klaus' body safe in a warehouse," Damon says, randomly.

"Good. No one can get to him and kill all my friends".

He doesn't say anything and I hop in the driver's seat of the car.

"I should be back in a few hours. Call me if anything".

Damon nods and we drive off.


I look in the rearview and make eye contact with Elena.

"Thank you".

I frown, returning my eyes to the road ahead.


I hear her scoff.

"For everything. You really made up for all those years of not being around. I appreciate every single thing you've done. Putting your life in danger without hesitation. I couldn't have asked for a better sister. I love you".

I smile.

"It's my job. And I love you too. Never forget your kick ass, big sister".

Everyone laughs.

"But really Jay. You're awesome. You gave me a whole new outlook on life. California is amazing. Life is so carefree. It's everything I've always wanted" Jeremy explains.

I nod.

"Yeah, I loved it too. Hope, Elena and I are gonna have so much fun visiting when she finally comes. I just want to meet her already".

Everyone stares at me and I burst with joy.

"How do you know it's a girl?" Tess asks.

I smile and put a hand on my belly.

"I went to get an ultrasound of the baby and the moment I saw her, I knew she was a Hope. The doctor asked me if I wanted to know the gender but I told her to just send it as a surprise in the mail. It should be coming in today. I was going to share it once we found a way to get rid of Ric but I just thought you guys should know first".

Everyone whoops. Matt puts a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm so happy for you Jay. You're going to be the best mom ever" Matt supports.

I give him a loving glance and continue the drive to the airport.

We're all saying our goodbyes when I get a phone call. It's from Caroline.

"Hello?" I answer.

I hear her weep.

"Caroline, is everything okay?".

Another weep then someone grabs the phone.

"He's gone Jordan. Alaric killed Klaus. We're all apart of his bloodline. We should be gone soon. We just want to say goodbye".

My heart drops as Tyler delivers the news.

"Where are Stefan and Damon?".

"Not near each other. Damon is in the warehouse with Alaric and Bonnie with Klaus' body. Stefan is here in Mystic Falls. You can only get to one. But you need to hurry".

Tyler hangs up the phone and I look at everyone.

"Jeremy and Tess, get on the plane. Elena, you have to go to Stefan. I need to go to Damon. Klaus is dead. He was the sire".

Everyone's faces drop. We run outside and get a cab for Elena. I'm on my way to the address Damon gave me when I get a call from Elena. I answer immediately.

"Is everything okay?".

She sniffles.

"You need to go to Stefan. The cab is already taking me to Damon. I heard you guys last night and don't cut me off, okay? It hurts, yes. I never expected that. But I meant what I said the night of the Mikaelson ball. I just want him to be happy. I love him so much I want to see him happy. But most importantly, I need to see you happy. All you've done these past few months is sacrifice and it's time I give back. I need to be with Damon because I love him. No. Because I'm in love with him. You need to be with Stefan because you guys are in love. We all get one epic love and Stefan is yours. Be with him because these are his last moments. I love you and I am one hundred percent behind you on this".

Tears stream down my face.

"Okay. Thank you. I love you so much. I will see you soon".

I turn to Matt.

"Speed up. We need to get to Mystic Falls. I have a boyfriend to get to".

Treacherous//book 1Where stories live. Discover now