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I'm in bed when I get a message from Stefan. 'SOS. Elena and Bonnie are in danger' with his location attached. I immediately jump out of bed and into some clothes.

I call Damon. He tells me he's with Alaric and agrees to meet me at the house. Within no time, they're here.

I run out the house and into the car, giving Damon the address. On the drive there, I ask them about their days. Alaric scratches his head and I widen my eyes.

"You schemed without me," I say in a betrayed manor.

Damon looks at me from his mirror with an eyebrow raised.

"Says the one that ditched us last time for the kids" he shoots. I frown.

"Well, I'm sorry I put my sister in front of our little mystery solving squad for once. Everyone does that and now it's a problem when I do it?".

Damon stops the car hard and looks back at the wrong time as I hold onto my belly. He notices it and a new expression comes on his face that I can't recognize. I have never seen it on him before. Regret? Guilt? But over what? He knows this isn't his fault.

And then at that moment, my heart drops to my stomach. All because he knows the secret I didn't want him to know.

"It's whatever. Let's just go rescue the kids".

Damon continues to drive and the whole rest of the ride is silent.

Finally, we arrive and I see Stefan on the floor. I run over to him and ask him what's wrong.

"Wood. There are wooden bullets inside of me. Some guy shot me with wooden bullets. He's compelled and has Elena and Bonnie in the barn".

Damon and Alaric hear all of this, going for the barn. I help Stefan pick each one out. He tries to contain his scream, but it's hard with some moving toward his heart.

"Did we get them all?" I ask.

He nods as I pick the last one out. We make eye contact.

"Thank you".

I nod then getting up, heading for the barn. Before I know it, Stefan is in front of me and refusing for me to take a step closer to the barn.

"Stefan. Please move. I have to know if Elena is okay". He shakes his head.

"Damon and Alaric are fine with the rescue mission. You can't put yourself in danger like this. Please just get in the car and stay in there". I sigh.

Stefan leads me back to the car where we both sit down. I turn toward him and work up the courage to ask him what I've been thinking about ever since his humanity turned on. But I get interrupted when Damon, Alaric, and Elena get to the car. I frown.

"Where is Bonnie?".

I get nervous and start to sweat.

"She's speaking to her mom".

I then move in my seat, uncomfortable.

"The same mom who just captured you both?". Elena shakes her head.

"Yes, but her mom warned us. She had no choice in the matter. The capturing was all Abby's son".

I shake my head, uneasy, but Damon starts driving. Alaric shrugs uncomfortably.

"So, found out Dr. Fell is a psycho". Damon smirks.

"I told ya". Ric rolls his eyes.

"Aren't we all a little psycho?" I respond.

Alaric widens his eyes and shakes his head.

"She brings people back to life with vampire blood to avoid losing them". I take a deep breath out.

"Whoa. Where does she even get it from?" I ask.

"Beats me".


We get to the house and Elena gets out the car along with Alaric. I go to do the same, but Damon stops me.

"Yeah, you're babysitter will be home later. Much later" he says to Elena and Alaric.

He takes off with the door still open. Stefan reaches over and quickly closes it.

"Damon, what the hell is wrong with you?!" he yells. Damon shrugs.

He continues to drive to the boarding house and only when we arrive do I notice my hand gripping Stefan's. I pull away and get out of the car.

"Damon, I want to go home. Why force me here?" I groan.

He enters his home while Stefan and I follow close behind. Once I close the door, Damon turns around.

"Does he know?" Damon asks, wide-eyed. I put my head down after nodding yes, already knowing the topic of the conversation.

"What, when, how did this even happen?" Damon questions.

"Well, there's this thing called sex and I had it so it created a fetus that'll eventually grow into a baby".

Damon narrows his eyes at me.

"Why are you so mad about it Damon?" Stefan asks this time.

Damon throws a glass across the room and I jump. It smashes loudly, the glass shattering into tiny pieces all over the floor.

"Don't you think it's kind of selfish of Jordan to bring a baby into this world of ours when we have a crazy ass hybrid and his little newborn hybrid gang on our asses?".

Stefan frowns. "That's our world, Damon. Jordan's not the one being attacked. She's just trying to protect Elena the best way possible".

Damon throws his arms up in distress.

"That's all of our worlds. Klaus threw her across the room that day she went to save Elena. Just imagine what he would do to a helpless baby that comes from Elena's bloodline. He tried to kill Jeremy for God's sake!".

Stefan goes to argue but I cut him off, becoming furious.

"You know what Damon? You're just mad because Elena doesn't want you and because I don't want you! This is not your decision to make! I am pregnant and I am going to have this baby!".

Before I know it, I'm pinned against the wall, feeling Damon's hot bourbon breath.

Stefan immediately reacts and throws him off of me. I gasp for air as he was just crushing my windpipe.

"Damon, what the hell is wrong with you?!".

Damon stands up and widens his eyes, realizing his anger got the best of him. He flashes out and I hear the car engine before the car takes off. Stefan speeds over to me and helps me up.

"Let me get you some water".

He speeds and comes back with a cold glass of water. We sit down next to each other as he watches me drink the glass of water, my lungs still searching for some more oxygen. My heart is beating faster than it's ever beat before.

Once I'm finished, I turn back to Stefan. I get the courage again.

"Stefan, when you had your humanity off, you told me that I should remember something about my time in California. I don't know exactly know what you were talking about".

Stefan shakes his head.

"Jordan, I had no humanity. It was a tactic to get under your skin. I don't even know what I was talking about".

I nod, but something doesn't feel right. Whenever the subject comes up, I just have this empty feeling. Like there's something I can't remember. I need to know. I need to get to the bottom of it.

Treacherous//book 1Where stories live. Discover now