Chapter 2

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King George's P.O.V.:

It feels like I'll never be able to confess to her. I'm so frustrated with myself tonight. I had the perfect opportunity, but I blew it yet once again. What if some lucky fellow comes along and steals her away from me? No, I refuse to let that happen. She's mine, and always has been mine since we met.

What is wrong with me? I'm the king. I should be able to do whatever I want. But I always find myself unable to when I'm around her. When I'm around her, I'm myself. Childish, immature, stupid at some times. But she's there, to keep me in line and sane. Like a real queen.

I settled myself in bed, and fell into a restless sleep.

Y/N's P.O.V.:

I woke up to the sound of a bird chirping outside my window.

"F**k off." I groaned profanities to the bird.

A brisk knock came to my door. I stumbled to open it. Ellen stood in the frame. She was holding a light yellow dress. Aw hell no.

"Ellen." I started.

"Yes, ma'am?" Ellen squeaked.

"Has the king told you anything about me?"

"Well, no. Not much that I can recall."

"Such a shame. I was hoping that at least he would tell you that I'm not really lady-like. Is there anything around here that I can wear that isn't a dress?"

"No, I'm sorry ma'am."

"Then can I have my fishing attire back?"

"That is another polite no, ma'am. The king ordered for that to be tossed into the incinerator. He said something along the lines of never having to wear that again.

That sneaky little bast*rd.

"Ellen, please don't call me ma'am. Call me
Y/N from now on." I forcibly smiled.

"My pleasure, Y/N."

"Now, Ellen, if you tell me where there are men's clothing, I won't tell a single soul."

"The truth be told, is that there might be a closet with spare British soldier uniforms down the corridor to the left."

"That's the response I needed!" I slipped past her, and out into the hallway.


Now this is more like it. I looked closely at my figure in the mirror. The jacket, pants, and boots had conformed perfectly to my curves. Not too big, not too small. Ellen braided my hair. I loved this style. I even put a tricorne hat on to match.

Glancing up at the clock, I noticed I had a small portion of time before breakfast. Just enough for me to visit the koi pond. I quickly slipped out into the bright, sunny morning.

Kneeling down to the small pond, I gazed deeply into it. The koi glided gracefully through the water. There was a certain one with brilliant orange and white stripes branding across his body. He was my favorite.

He popped his head out of the water to greet me. I placed my hand in the cool water. Ever so slowly, I gently grazed my hand along his dorsal fin. The koi flipped and spun in circles against my touch.

I suppose I never noticed how much time went by, judging by the hand that tapped my shoulder.

"Lieutenant, what are you doing to that poor fish?" George's voice sounded from behind me.

I jumped a little in surprise.

"Why aren't you wearing a wig? And have you seen my lady Y/N? She was supposed to meet me for breakfast a while ago."

He called me "his lady". Woah. I couldn't hold in the charade any longer. I cautiously turned around.

"Lieutenant, speak when spoken to" He choked when he got a glimpse of my face.

"Yes, George?"

"W-What in all things holy are you in military attire for?" He struggled to gain graceful composure, slowly falling to his knees beside me.

"I think I have already told you sir, I do not thrive in dresses."

"So you stole that uniform."

"Precisely, except 'stole' is a harsh word. I would prefer the word 'borrow'." I smiled at him.

He closed his wide open jaw and gazed into my eyes. I could get lost looking into his.

"Well your majesty, I shall see that I safely escort you to breakfast. There's no telling where the enemy can hide in this dangerous palace!" I faked a haughty, male tone.

"Oh sir! Thank you for your wonderful service. A lady like me always needs a strong man like you!" George replied in a fake, high pitched tone.

We fell into a fit of laughters from this horseplay. This is why I fell in love with him. We were ourselves, we didn't have to be all fit and proper to society's standards. George was George, and I was myself.

We got up and dusted ourselves off, ready to head back indoors. Just in time, because my stomach was rumbling louder than a whale.

3,000 Miles Away (King George III x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now