Chapter 6

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Well, I can't say he wasn't exactly wrong. The walls of this room were a baby blue, with nautical paintings and decorations. I took in the scene after the damn guards tossed me in here. Looking at it made me feel like I was on the ocean; I calmed down looking at it.

So now here I am. Locked in a room that's supposed to make me feel free, when it does the complete opposite. What am I going to do? My childhood best friend thinks it's okay to contain me in an isolated bedroom for god knows how long. I sat on the bed, focusing myself. My mind kept wandering to how free I felt on the high seas.

That's it, I need to get out of here.


Not too long after, a maid came in with a tray of food. This was the opportunity I could take. Just knock her out, and run out the door.

But I wouldn't. She'd obviously be blamed for my escape, and lose her head instantly. I promised myself I won't let innocent lives be ruined anymore.

I gratefully took the food.

"Thank you. You know, you maids don't get enough recognition for all the hard work!" I chimed.

"O-Oh I-I-I—thank you!" She blurted, obviously red-faced at my comment.

She semi-ran out the room flustered. Then I heard the lock click. I growled to myself at that.

I peered down to the food. It was a nice piece of bread, accompanied with a cup of tea.

After I demolished the food (f*ck being a lady), I sat back in the bed. Boy, that tea tasted funny...

...wait, f*ck...


I woke up in a chair. Where the hell did my bed go?

"Isn't she darling?" King George's voice rang in my ear.

"Yes," another voice, much deeper sounded, "and she appears to be awake now. Luckily I'm almost finished. I just need to get a glimpse of her eye color."

Light flooded my eyes. I could now see a man sitting at an easel in front of me. I looked down to see that I was in a dark blue dress (f*ck me, not again). Something, or rather someone, was grasping my hands. I looked to the right, and of course George was the one who had me in a death grip.

If steam was visible, you could be able to see it coming out of my ears right now.

"You...drugged me?" I half-hissed, half-slurred.

"My love, you're awake!" George giddily smiled.

I reared to sit up. But there were shackles around my ankles connecting to the wall.

"How dare you!" My head was angry, and for some reason, my heart hurt.

"Darling, you just fell asleep. That's all."

"I'm chained to the wall!"

"Oh dear, that wasn't there before."

"Let me go."

"Hmm, let's see. No."

"Why are you doing this George?"

In the midst of this, the painter slid out of the room, lugging his latest masterpiece with him. It looked huge.

"You wouldn't understand, dear."

"Yes, I'm fully capable of that. Now, spill it!"

"I'm keeping you safe, Y/N."

"George, how am I being kept safe? I'm a caged animal."

"I'm keeping you from those deadly waters! I won't lose you too!" George broke down, referring to his family.

My heart sunk at this. I felt bad. No, I wasn't just going to forget what he's done, ever. 

"George, you know I can fully handle myself out there."

He didn't answer. He clung onto me, and tears drenched my dress.

"George, look at me."

He slowly and shakily brought his head up to my level.

"You'll lose me when you restrain me like this. I'm a fish out of water (a/n: I need to stop, oh lord) right now. Just let me go, please. I won't come back here in a casket. You know that."

"No..." George went back to sobbing into my chest.

"George, I know you mean well. But it's hurting me. You have to let go, everything will be alright!"

After a while, George calmed down. It was never like him to bawl like a baby (or is it?).

"I suppose I'll let you go," George sighed, "but please, come back. Don't leave me here alone."

I dried his tears, and he unlocked my chains.

"Come with me."


"I said, 'come with me'." I tugged at his arm.

"To where?"

"On the high seas!"

3,000 Miles Away (King George III x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now