Chapter 21

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King George's P.O.V.:

We were closing in on the Boston Harbor. I was excited to see the fall of the Massachusetts Navy. Soon, there were Rebel ships heading towards us. Then, I could see there were more of them than I thought there would be. Oh no...

They got closer and closer. Once they were in position, I took a closer look and noticed there were Massachusetts ships and... Rhode Island.

They learned of our plan and sent the Rhode Island Navy to assist. We're f*cked.

The leading ship was in fact from Rhode Island, and had one of their stupid generals on the bow. He had his sword raised.

"Fire!" He bellowed.

Huh? He sounds like my Y/N. Impossible.

Canons flew across the water. There were too many of them. It didn't take them long to drive us out. Once the smoke cleared, I could get a better view of that General.

He was standing proud, overlooking the casualties. Y/C/E eyes shined towards the sea. His face was so familiar and attractive. Then, it hit me.

It was Y/N. She looked more gorgeous than ever.

Of course she would. She's in her prime element.

And she's a General for the Continental Army. My worst fears have come true. My whole body went numb. My arms and legs couldn't support me anymore. I fell backwards, into a couple of nearby barrels.

"Your Majesty!" One of the sailors helped me up.

Calvin Baker, my top advisor, came up to me. Before I left for the colonies, I ordered him to accompany me on the trip just incase I needed him.

"I want that General captured. I don't care if we lose the war because of it. It's Y/N. Get her now!"

He understood and immediately went to inform the captain.

I ran inside the cabin. I couldn't bear to live with the truth anymore. I fell onto the bed. Y/N is a General. I didn't even notice the tears traveling down my face. Mustering all the strength I had left, I peered my face out of the window above my bed.

She's so beautiful. I can't stop looking at her. My love, I have finally found you.

Just then, I saw the huge scar across the left side of her face. Even though I was angry at the fact that someone hurt her, I admired how much character it gave her. She looked more tough and fierce than ever. Oh, how I need her back...

Y/N finally noticed me peeking out at her. She stared back in puzzlement before huffing and tipping her nose up high in the air. How cute.

I continued this charade until my ship turned eastward and started to travel behind the rest of the Royal Fleet. I pushed my face away from the window once Y/N was no longer in view, and collapsed back on my bed.


I spent the rest of the trip laying on the bed. Every once in a while, I would walk on deck. Other than that, I spent countless hours thinking about Y/N.

What would it take for her to come back to me? I would surrender in the war if it meant her coming home.

I felt the ship come to a stop. I looked out the window to see that we were back in England. Servants took me back to the castle. Home sweet home.

I walked towards the throne and sat down on it. It felt good to be home.

"Your Majesty, I have something you would like to see." Seabury timidly came from another room.

"Hand it over." I sighed.

He gingerly handed me a newspaper from New York.

It read:

General George Washington Promoted Mylton Viccars to Newest Continental Army General. General Viccars will be the newest head of the Colonies' Navy. His ceremony was held in Boston, Massachusetts.

Furthermore, he lead the Rebels to our newest victory in Boston after holding off a surprise attack. In addition, Viccars was the one to extract those plans beforehand from a sinking ship in the Caribbean, ultimately foiling the British.

That was all the article said. I put it down and looked at Seabury.

"You know it's Y/N, right?" I inquired.

"What is, your Majesty?"

"That General. She's faking to be a man so she can fight."

"That's incredible talent, sire."

"Indeed, Samuel."

"My king, can I share something personal with you?"

I nodded my head. No matter how annoying he can be, I still valued him.

"I miss her. Not in a romantic way. She is one of the very few people who show me kindness, much like you, your Majesty." Samuel looked at his feet.

I got up and patted his shoulder, knowing that what he said was only partly true.

"She'll be coming home, Samuel. I don't know when, but she will."

3,000 Miles Away (King George III x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now