Chapter 15

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After a week of sailing, the time to fight has come. We were currently close to a small island inhabited by jungle. Our ships finally met a large British battalion here. Showtime.

I pulled the ship to the right so our port-side canons could face the enemies. The sound of shouts and explosives filled the humid, salty air. To me, it was exciting. We had just sunk a few ships, so I turned the ship around to make it harder for us to be hit.

The battle went on like this for a while. We got hit here and there, but the worst of them were patched up by a few resourceful sailors. Many British ships were sunk or in the process of sinking.

As we started to set sail for home, we floated by one that was sinking. In the water, I saw a few British soldiers swimming away. Debris was scattered all over. The Captain's Cabin was still barley above the water. Then, an idea popped in my head.

"You there, steer the ship so it's floating around this ship right here." I pointed to it.

"Yes, sir." A nervous boy no older than nineteen gripped the helm like his life depended on it.

"When I shout, pull me back up with this rope."

I tied a rope connected to the ship around my waist. Then, I jumped into the water towards the sinking ship. Dodging the debris was tough. I swam past the last barrel to climb over onto the deck of the ship. It was sinking fast, but I was faster.

I reached the cabin and found the door to be locked. This didn't deter me. I looked around to see a rifle laying on the deck. I picked it up and used the backend of it to break open the wooden door.

Once the door broke off from the lock, I barged inside. The room consisted of a bed, table, and chest. On the table was what I was looking for: documents. I didn't have time to read them, so I swiped them all and made my way back.

However, I wasn't alone outside. A Redcoat must've noticed what I was doing and returned to the sinking ship. He held out his musket out me.

"Give me the papers and receive your fate of death." He sneered.

What a dumb*ss.

I swiftly dodged to the right and swiped his revealed neck with my bayonet. He spat blood out and fell to his knees. I kicked him into the water with disgust and turned towards my ship. Most of the crew was leaning over the ledge, gawking at me. I looked away in embarrassment.

"Pull me up!" I tugged on the rope.

A small team of seven men did not hesitate to obey. I held the documents above water level and was dragged through the water, and onto the ship.


The ride home gave me time to reflect. I sat quietly, overlooking the whole boat. In all honesty, I was surprised at myself. How do I go from a spunky, little fishergirl to a wild, navy warrior? I'm dumbfounded.

I took out the stolen plans. I examined them to see that the British navy planned a surprise attack on the Boston harbor in a month. We needed to return to the base as soon as possible. I folded the parchment up and stuffed them in my jacket pocket.

I let a lower officer take over steering the ship. There wasn't a need for me to steer the ship; we weren't in battle. I returned to my cabin, and slid on my bunk. I wondered how Talbot was doing on his ship. I doubt that his sunk, we only had three ships sink. And most of them were rescued. Only a few casualties.


After another week of sailing, we reached the land. The ship's anchor was down, and we were finally ready to exit off the ship for a while. I gathered the papers and headed to find General Greene's tent.

One by one, my crew carefully stepped off the ship, and on to the row boats waiting below. I was the last one to come off, and took the lead. We finally made it to the shore, and stepped off the rowboats.

I trudged towards our base. General Greene had to be somewhere around here. I weaved in between tents, looking far and wide for him. I finally found him sitting in a larger tent surrounded by a four other men.

"General Greene, sir. I have some important information regarding future military plans by the British." I pulled out the papers and slid them towards him.

He took them gingerly and read them.

"Lord..." Was all he said before rushing out if his seat, "Krower, fetch the messenger, quickly. This is urgent. Jacobs, find me my letter kit. Fennet and Westley, go grab Talbot. Quickly, go!" Greene barked.

I just stood there staring.

"L/N, how did you get these?" Greene inquired.

"We were passing by a sinking ship, and I thought to search for anything useful on it. I tied a rope to my waist and jumped into the water. I got onto that ship and found those papers. When I went back out, I was met by an enemy solder holding a rifle to my face. I dodged him and stabbed him. Then I went back on board on my ship, sir." I relayed.

"Very well done, Y/N. It takes a woman to do a man's job."

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