Chapter 25

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Well f*ck, I guess I was too busy in my own thoughts to notice George was before me.

And he looked terrible. His complexion was so pale, and he had the biggest bags under his eyes. He slumped on his throne, peering down at us.

"I trust that you won't ever leave me again, my love."

I couldn't even find it within me to speak. I suddenly felt bad and ashamed. Yes, he got what he deserved, but I still couldn't feel entirely proud of myself.

I just looked down at my boots and sulked.

"Soldiers, leave the throne room, now."

They did as they were told. Now it was just him and I.

"Y/N, how could you? I gave you everything, and you run off to the colonies, and become a damned general. You've betrayed me in the deepest of ways."

I remained silent. Now, George stood up and strode over to the cage. He ended up a few inches away from me.

"Nevertheless, my love for you is endless. I've been completely crushed by you, yet still your presence now gives me life. I have spent the past year in a state of despair and anguish. My other half left me to fight me and join those improper, group of dullards—"

"They're not dullards! They're my family! I'll kill you for insulting them!" I screeched in anger, and jolted towards him.

He jumped back in surprise, but only stared at me afterwards.

"I see; it's meant to be. You're blue, and I'm red. Opposite sides clashing together in this tale of romance. No matter." George sighed.

"I don't belong here. My home is back in Rhode Island. I have loved ones there who need me." I piped up.

"And you have a more important loved one here that needs you more."

"And what are you going to do about it? Keep me caged up like an animal? You know that'll never work."

"I will do whatever it takes to keep you here. You're staying here and that's final."

"Who do you think you are? My father? You don't have any power or jurisdiction over me!"

"As your fiancé and your King, I do have those rights. Now quit acting in such a ridiculous manner."

"You're not my king! Americans don't have kings! I'm the one acting in a ridiculous manner? You obviously haven't looked in a mirror lately, friend."

"I look in it everyday, and do you know what I see?"

"Go ahead George, tell me about the bullsh*t you see in the damn mirror." I rolled my eyes.

Look at us, fighting like children. How classy.

"Well, 0h-so-great General Viccars, I see a broken down man, hurt from the betrayal of his lover. The lover that should have been standing next to him, smiling because she's happy that's she's with me."

"Do you know what I see, King George the Third? When I wake up everyday to glance at my reflection, I see a great American General. One that is proud of who she is, no matter how great of a loss she suffers when she left to discover who she truly is."

George was left speechless. His face contorted in great pain. I instantly regretted what I just spat out.

"...I...held you back..."


"And I'm doing it right now too."

"George, please—"

"No, no. You deserve all of what you have earned at your true home, in the Colonies. I have to live with that everyday from now on. I'll organize a ship to take you back and you can go back to commanding the navy—"

"Let me speak! I'm not leaving you. Despite our estrangement, I'm your woman. It's just in my nature to fight you, I guess."

I looked into his beautiful blue eyes. They still held the same shine from the last time I was here. George took my hand that was pinned to the side of me and squeezed it.

"Y/N, please. Deep down, I know you're still there. You can't deny it. You're my little American General, and I'm your British King."

I couldn't keep it in anymore. Tears started to stream down my face like a river. I leaned my head against the bars towards him. In return, he leaned his head in and gently touched mine.

"Let me get you out of there. You've been humiliated enough, haven't you?" George whispered.

I nodded and he proceeded to open the cage and untie me. I leaped out of the mini-cell and into his arms.

"George?" I cried.

"Yes, my dear?"

"I love you."

"I love you too, and I have waited too long to hear that."

3,000 Miles Away (King George III x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now