Chapter 20

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"General Mylton Viccars, please step forward."

This can't be happening.

I started leaping with joy on the inside. I'm a General! I slowly made my way to General Washington. He put a pin on my jacket and handed me a special sword.

"Your new uniforms will be delivered to you by the end of the day." He whispered.

"Thank you." I replied back.

"If you keep working hard and prove to be a great leader, you'll be highest ranking under me. And someday, you may replace me when I'm gone." With that, he went back to overlooking the crowd.

A dream come true. If we weren't on opposite sides, George would be so proud of me. I stood tall while the crowd roared with approval. There were smiles, whistles, and overall happiness emitted from everyone. I'll never forget this day till my death.

"You are all dismissed. Return to your posts and continue to prepared for the arrival of the British Navy." Washington called out.

Once the crowd was gone, the high ranking officers stepped off the platform. Washington took me aside, when nobody was around.

"L/N, I'm putting you head of the entire Continental Army's Navy. You are to make major decisions on the location of bases, battles, and so on. When the attack comes, I want you to lead on a ship to prove your skills to further your authority. You're not going to be the captain of the ship, only to lead them into battle and organize them. Is that clear?"

"Yes, General."

With that, Washington nodded and walked away. Afterwards, Lafayette and Talbot ran to me when I started heading towards my assigned tent.

"Madame, this is wonderful!" Lafayette clapped.

"You've earned it, kid." Silas winked at me.

"I wouldn't be here without you two. It would have been impossible without your support." I hugged them both.

"I think we have the same tent, Lafayette." Talbot exclaimed.

"We will see you around, Y/N." Lafayette waved goodbye.

I waved them off and headed to mine. My vision started to go fuzzy. I wiped my eyes and continued onwards. Again, everything became foggy.

Alright, that's it. Time for a nap.

I picked up my speed and barely made it to my tent before collapsing on the bed. Fatigue washed over me like an ocean wave and I was out.


Two weeks later, the sound of a horn blared through the camp.

"To your stations!" I heard General Washington yell.

The British were attacking way later than we thought. They should've have been here a week ago. The whole camp was on edge about it.

I dashed out of my tent and towards the docks.

"Move! Move! Move!" I ordered soldiers.

Their pace quickened and soon, they were all loaded.

"Onwards!" My ship set off.

The rest of the fleet followed suit. The British were barely visible in the distance from where we were at.

"Men, start loading the canons!" I called out.

Sailors were in a whirlwind setting all of our weapons up. Meanwhile, the British kept creeping closer and closer towards us.

"Fan out!"

Ships started to form in a horizontal line. Now at this point, we were right in front of the British.

"Fire!" I pointed my sword towards the enemies.

Then the fury commenced. One by one, ships of both sides were sinking. I remained near the bow of the ship. After a while more, we were winning. The famous British Royal Navy, outdone by a bunch of ragtag rebels in a baby nation. How ironic.

I stood proudly at the bow still. I could hear the call of a British officer. It was Captain Barnes. I remembered seeing him a few times at the royal docks.

"Retreat! They were ready for our attack!"

Redcoat ships fled the scene. A smaller one to my left caught my eye. Shouting came from it. A flash of red and gold darted into the cabin. I could even hear the door slam. Then the little ship started to take off. They didn't even have any canons on board. In fact, I never even noticed them during the battle. And they were right next to my ship!

What the hell? Wait, I've seen that ship before. But I can't remember what it is or does.

I sat there puzzled. Soon, a face popped out of a window in the cabin. I couldn't see who it was, but they just... stared at me. I took advantage of this and stuck my nose up high and glared in return. The face remained in the window until I could no longer see them.

England is nothing but a country of freaks. No wonder why we left them.

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