Chapter 19

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It made no sense. Why do I still long for him? I'm a Captain in the Continental Army. I should hate his guts.

Yet, I still wish to marry him. What have I become?

I lost a piece of me when I left England. I lost my best friend, my other half. Maybe I should go back to him after the end of the war.

No, I don't belong there.

Yes I do.

No I don't.

I belong on the open ocean.

I quit thinking these traitorous ideas. I rolled out of bed, ready for the day. I grabbed a bag of my stuff and left towards the center of the camp.

When I got there, there was already a crowd. General Greene, Major Talbot, Lafayette, and the rest of the Captains stood up on a platform, in a horizontal line. I quickly made my way through the crowd to stand next to Captain Crowe.

"As you all heard, the British are planning a surprise attack on Boston Harbor within a week. As the strongest navy in the colonies, we are lending a few ships to aid Massachusetts. We are going to defend against them before they do any damage to the harbor."

The medium sized crowed started cheering. Lafayette poked his head forward and smiled at me.

I mouthed 'What?' to him. He didn't answer. Instead, his smile only grew bigger. I shrugged and went back to overlooking the crowd.

"To those who are on the reinforcement crews, you will be taking orders from Ge—Captain Viccars. He will lead you all into battle to ensure our next victory over the Redcoats!" General Greene started clapping.

The crowd cheered yet again. I genuinely smiled and clapped along.

"Troops, you know where you're supposed to be now. Dismissed." General Greene saluted.

Everyone saluted back and dispersed back into the camp. Lafayette came over to me. 

"Félicitations, Captain!" He patted my shoulder rather a little harshly.

"Thank you, Lafayette."

"I'm stationed on your ship, of course."

"That's fantastic!" Now it was my turn to put my hand on his shoulder.

"On va les avoir!"

"Indeed, my friend."

He and I walked to the ship we were assigned to by Greene. It rocked back and forth silently near the beach. Now, we were waiting for the rest of the crew members to arrive.

"I sit with anticipation." Lafayette commented.

I almost laughed at his words. They sounded silly for some reason. Him not knowing a lot of English was very amusing.

"For sure Lafayette, for sure."


The fleet, or should I say, my fleet— was cheerful. Before, they seemed to be very dull and unhappy. Now, when I look to the other ships behind me, I see smiles and bright patriotism. We were finally coming into Massachusetts waters after a semi-long trip from Rhode Island.

I really belonged here, in the New World. I've only been here for a little over a month and I feel right at home.

Shut the hell up, Y/N.

I began to question where the real battle ground was for me. Was is Boston Harbor, or was it in my head? There's military conflict in the real world, and a battle of emotions in my head.

I can't keep denying these thoughts. If I miss George, I miss George. Maybe I'll see him someday.

The City Upon a Hill stood proudly in front of us. It was regal and fantastic. No way would I let the British harm a single brick in it.

I lead the reinforcements to our designated spot in the harbor. Here, we would keep our ships and have access to land. Then, we would set sail again out into further waters to wait for the Redcoats.

Once the last ship of ours was secured to the docks, I stepped off of my ship and walked towards a small sectioned-off army camp. I was accompanied by Lafayette and Talbot. Nobody else was around.

"Captain Viccars, how were the waters on your ship?" Talbot nudged me.

"'Twas a smooth sail, Major." I answered back.

"Even if thou were a maiden?" He eyed me.

What? Did he figure me out too?

"For anybody, Major. Even if I were a woman, I'd easily be just fine."

"Hmm, if." Talbot's eyes glided over my whole body.

I gave Talbot a questioning look. Lafayette turned to Talbot.

"Espèce d'idiot. Viccars est une femme déguisée." Lafayette muttered.

"Lafayette, what did you say?" Talbot questioned.

My face grew red. Lafayette knew I was a woman.

"Y/N, you need to tell confess. No more secrets from him." Lafayette turned and walked away from us.

Oh great.

"Viccars, are my suspicions correct?" Talbot stopped, and held my arm (non-aggressively).

"I don't know what you're talking about." I lied and stuck my nose up.

"You're a woman." He whispered.

Instead of replying, I looked down to my feet. Talbot took my hands gently.

"Shh, you know I won't let anyone else obtain that information. Don't be upset."

"Silas, it's true..."

"You're an amazing captain and leader. The best I've seen in my days. You surpass me and any other man in sea warfare. I'm proud to know you, whether you're a man or woman."

I quickly reached up and hugged him.

"Thank you for understanding." I sighed.

"No problem, Captain." He winked at me, "When will you tell me the whole story?"

"Pardon me?"

"I can tell you've hidden some pieces when I asked the first time. We were in the carriage, remember?"

"I can recall, yes." I then proceeded to explain the details I originally left out.

"Y/N L/N, huh? That's a gorgeous name. And as for being the ex-fiancé of the b*stard tyrant himself, all I have to say is fight back hard. You have an adventurous life ahead of you." Talbot smiled.

I blushed and looked away. My eyes caught the head of General Washington on a platform making a speech in the campsite. Massachusetts and Rhode Island soldiers were in the crowd below him. Major Talbot and I briskly walked to hear what he was saying.

"Today, we welcome a part of the Rhode Island Navy Regiment here to Boston. They will aid in the defense against attacking British ships within the week. I would also like to introduce the Continental Army's newest General."

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