Chapter 10

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The boat rocked me like a baby in a cradle. I was so relaxed, I almost didn't see two Royal Navy ships in the far distance behind me.

I left England about a month ago. I know I should be there by now, or at least a few miles away. Surviving on here is a breeze, I (sadly) ate fish, and managed to stay out of the harsh sun. But the real question I had was: what am I going to do once I get to the shores of the Thirteen Colonies?

I could follow in the footsteps of my forefathers, and continue to fish, or perhaps break that tradition?

I almost forgot about the Royal Navy behind me. But, keyword: almost.

Maybe the wind is blowing a little higher up. I raised the sails further up, and felt the ship rush forward. Yeehaw...

A large landmass grew in front of me, while the two ships behind me grew smaller.

I finally reached the New World. About damn time. I rushed into the cabin and gathered all of my stuff together. I ripped the red jacket I got at the castle off, and slipped my father's dark green one on. By the time I had all of my clothes, toiletries, and other important items, it was time to dock the boat. With one final swoop, I snagged emergency funds and stuffed it safely within my pants pockets.


After securing the ship to the dock post, I wandered around to find some place to stay. While I did, many strange looks from every passerby engulfed me. I didn't give two sh*ts.

A good few minutes came and disappeared. Finally, I found a small local inn. A little bell chimed upon the door being opened by me. The walls were a dark grey, and a few simple chairs littered the lounge. I strode up to the counter and patiently waited.

A short, very round man stumbled to the front counter.

"Good day to'am..? How may I help you?" His voice was nasally.

"I would like one small room for about two weeks, please."

"Coming right up. Where is your husband to fill out the paper work and pay?" He pushed his glasses up his stupid nose.

His question left me fuming.

"He is nonexistent. Now give me my papers before I feed you to the sharks."

The raunchy man was astonished.

"Such rude words for a woman." He sneered.

"Such unintelligence for a man." I spat.

I ripped the pen and papers out of his sausage hands and scribbled down my information. I threw them back at him. He handed me the key to "Room 14". I coyly walked away.

The room was just how I wanted it to be. There was a small bed, a dresser and desk, and a conjoined toilet room. Perfection, unlike that man. What a lowlife.

I set my stuff down and set out to explore. Maybe I could find a job somewhere or something.


I did some more wandering around town. I saw a few postings, but nothing of interest. Man, I just want some excitement in my life. As my feet grew tired, my mind got weary. Maybe I shouldn't be as picky as I originally was.

Then, I saw it. On a light pole, was a thin paper attached. The corners of it bent against its will in wind. The text around it seemed to be greying from its original black due to the harsh rays of the sun.

It read: Join the fight against the Red Coats! Enlist in the Rhode Island army division today.

Well, what do I have to lose?

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