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I was not in the mood to be at work today. I was on my monthly friend so I was basically dying. Putting my head down on the counter because the pain was unbearable.

That's one thing about my monthly friend it was the worst thing ever!. The pain was so crazy. I never understood why I couldn't be like those women on this pad commercials.

Someone knocked on the counter making me jump up. Of course it's Alex. "Leave me alone" I whined.

"Are you okay?" He asked looking concerned.

Shaking my head "my stomach is on fire. I'm dying".

"Huh?" Men are so clueless.

"My monthly friend is in town and the bitch is staying for five days!" I said.

"Ahhh, Yes! Do you want me to get you anything?" He offered.

"Aww, how sweet of you but no I'm good. Usually the first day it's the worst. I'll survive". Fuck, totally forgot to check my sugar too. Yes, I'm a diabetic. Was born with it actually. Grabbing my purse and taking out the machine. Alex just stared at me like he had so many questions.

"If you don't like blood. I wouldn't look at the moment" I warned. Taking out the stick and pricking my finger quickly. Dropping a little on the stick and waiting for my sugar numbers to come up.

"Didn't know you are a diabetic" he said.

"The little things you don't know about me. I was born with it" I said. Cleaning off my finger.

"Wow. Just when I thought I knew you you surprise me with something new every time" he joked.

"Let me guess.. you love girls who are diabetics too" I teased.

"Nope I just like you. So you can do no wrong in my eyes as of now" he smiled. Rolling my eyes at him "you need help".

"Everything okay though? With your sugar" he asked.

I nodded "always... I don't play with my diabetes. Too many complications I don't want nor need".

Clearing his throat "So when do you get off?". Looking at the clock "in about two hours. Why?".

"I was thinking maybe we can hang out my place today. Since you love being a homebody. We can order food and just relax" he said.

"Sounds like a plan. Just remember don't get frisky or I'm leaving" I warned. He threw his hands up "I won't do anything to you that you don't want".

"Good now either you staying and ordering something or you'll have to go. My boss is noticing you're distracting me from doing my work. And since I have bills to pay we can't have that happen". He nodded and left.


At this house. I was still in my work uniform. Sitting in his couch with my legs under me. "Thank you so much for the Motrin. You're a life saver".

"I figured it would help with your womanly pains" he took a seat next to me with his hand on my knee just watching me. Clearing my throat "the hand". He moved it quickly "bad hand" told you a mind of its own.

Laughing "that's getting old". He smiled "it's true though" he sat there and stared at me.

"What?" I asked staring at him.

"What color are your eyes?. I've see them change" he just looked at me like my eyes were going to change right then.

"They're green. But sometimes they will look like a hazel greenish" I shrugged.

"Very pretty. You know if or when we have kids they're going to be gorgeous" he said.

"Slow your roll, shawty. We haven't even kissed yet and your planning kids" I joked.

"Did you just tell me to slow my roll, shawty?" He laughed.

"Sure did, don't let my Chicago slang come out" I teased.

The television wasn't even on. He meant to turn it on but we just sat there just talking. Who needs entertainment when you can just sit and talk. "My stomach feels so much better!".

"That's good. I would hate to see you in pain". So what do you want to eat? Or maybe your monthly friend isn't hungry?"he smiled.

"No I'm hungry. I don't know what I want though. You would think because I work somewhere that has food I shouldn't even want anything. But I'm a fatty at heart though".

"I like about you though. You aren't like those other girls who pretend to not be hungry. You just stuff that pretty face of yours".

"I love food. I would never starve myself" he smiled "of course you wouldn't".

Later on... I must've fell asleep because I woke up on Alex. He was sitting there watching television or mainly the news. I leaned up "how long was I out for?".

"Not that long. Maybe forty five minutes. Feel better?" He started caressing my hair as I laid on him again.

I nodded "yeah, thanks again". We sat there with him caressing the top of my head as he watched the news. This was nice I could have more of these days.

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