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"You're back?" Alex asked

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"You're back?" Alex asked. Completely ignoring him I went upstairs to our safe and grabbed my taser. This doctor got me fucked up. Coming back downstairs Alex stopped me "what happened? And why do you have the taser for?".

"That idiot doctor told me he never tied my tubes due to you eventually coming there and killing him" I said.

"Wait? So he never tied your tubes and we been going through it for nothing?" He asked.

I nodded "you are correct. Now move out of my way so I can go tase his lying ass". Alex didn't move "I don't think that's a smart idea".

"Well let me find out on my own" I said. He held onto my arm "give me the taser" extending his arm out. Sucking my teeth "here".

"Good girl... see that wasn't hard. Now come over here and relax. You need to settle down" he said. Rolling my eyes I went to sit on the chair he patted. Jade came running down the stairs "mommy we have to go!".

"Where are we going?" I don't remember planning to go anywhere.

"Grandma Nia's! Remember she wanted us to come by today! Let's go" she pulled my arm.

"Careful jade. Can't be so rough with mom for the next couple of months" Alex said.

"Why? She's not sick anymore" she said.

"Oh snap we never told you or hunter yet" facepalming myself. Jade looked confused "can you tell me when we come back?". She would suggest that. "Yeah I guess unless mom tells you before". Jade shrugged and skipped out the door. I totally forgot about going over to my moms today. Hunter came speeding pass me "can I come?".

"Fine" I said. Jade moaned "why does he have to come along?".

"Let's not start today" I warned. Jade pouted in the front seat while hunter was all smiles. Alex came to say goodbye. "Bye dad" hunter waved. When I got to Nia's house the kids jumped out the car. I followed close behind them "my favorite grandma!" Jade yelled.

"Hello hunter. You've gotten taller since the last time I saw you" she said.

"Really? I feel the same" he said. Both kids ran to the basement where the playroom was. Since our weather wasn't being nice going outside wasn't an option. "So how are you and Alex?".

"We are okay. And I found out I'm pregnant, again?" Nia nearly dropped her spoon. "Say what now?".

"Yup I'm pregnant!" I said.

"How?" She asked.

"Well apparently that dumb doctor never actually tied my tubes. He was afraid of Alex's wrath if he did" Nia smiled.

"God is good isn't he?" She asked.

"What does god have to do with this?".

"Think about it. You was having martial problems. And out of nowhere you guys make up. I know you two been humping like rabbits ever since. Then this happens. lol at it as a karmic blessing. You had one more baby to make".

"Never thought if it that way. And correction we made up cause of Candace" I said.

"Now when baby number five is born. Alex and yourself have a talk about the whole tying your tubes" I nodded "I like your insight".

"What are mothers for?" She joked.

"You know I'm just terrified about this pregnancy. I don't want any complications with this one. Don't think my body can handle anymore trauma".

"Leave it in God's hand. He seems to have a sense of humor when it comes to you". It felt good to actually have a mother who can give you advice. "I guess you're right".

"You also have to take care of yourself. Being a diabetic just watch what you eat" she said.

"That's so hard when I crave something" I whined.

"Next time you crave something and it's not healthy for you remember what could happen once you consume it". Damn she's good.

"I'll try your method" she smiled and went back to making dinner. "Oh and what about that home wrecker?".

"Oh so I surprised Alex with lunch the other day and we ended up about to hook up.." she cut me off "you two have no shame. That's how I met you".

"What can I say? But we didn't start anything cause she came in the office like she was the police. So I'm annoyed now. And she has the audacity to try and flirt with him with me right there. When I say flirt she was touching his hand all seductively!".

"Zoli you are my child. I'm hoping you took after me and put her in her place?".

"I told her off  and threatened her but then I realized I can't psychically fight her so I put nick's name in there instead. She got scared and was out the room quicker than she came in" I said. Nia nodded "that's my girl. But... also know she ain't done trying to steal your husband. She'll be back and she will make sure you ain't around".

"Listen I hope she don't cause I can't fight her the way I would like..."

"We both know Alex is too nice when it comes to females. So just keep your eyes open. Thirsty hoes are the worst. Remind me of roaches... you can hit them so many times but they'll still keep going". I busted out laughing. What an analogy!!!.

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