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Sitting in the car waiting for Alex to come out of the house so we can go and visit his lawyer. Jade was with Alex's mom until we get back. Turning up the radio because the car was too quiet for me. Ever since the incident Alex's been on edge.

Seeing him opening his door and getting in. He didn't say anything. He just started up the car. Rolling my eyes I went back to singing along with the song currently playing.

"I think it'll be best if I sent you on a mini vacation until all blows over" he said.

"Huh?" I asked.

"You heard me. You and Jade will go on a mini vacation until this all blows over. I wish I could trust you not to do anything stupid but you proved me wrong so far".

"So you'll just ship me away like that?" I asked.

He glanced at me "it's the best I can do at the moment". Crossing my arms over my chest I couldn't believe him. Usually I would be down for a vacation but it seems as if he's just throwing me away.

"It's not like that, Zoli. So don't go thinking I'm throwing you away" he said. Wait? How did he know what I was thinking?.

"So since I don't have a say in this. Where are we going and when are we leaving?" I asked.

"You'll be going to Barbados. And you'll be leaving tomorrow morning" he said.

"Hold up? Tomorrow morning? When did you come up with this brilliant plan?! And you better say just now" I said.

"This idea came to a couple of days ago. But I wasn't sure if I wanted to actually send you away" he glanced at me again.

"Sucks for you. No sex!" I said hopefully he will say never mind.

"I'll survive. And plus when you come back it'll be even better cause I'm going to keep you in the bed while I take full advantage of you" he smirked.

Shaking my head cause he really thought about this. This whole idea just damned my mood. I don't get why I can't stay and fight this with him. "Listen it's for the best, okay?".

Not responding I just continued to look out the window watching the trees pass by. "How about we go shopping for the trip?". Glancing at him and rolling my eyes "I don't need any clothes. I'll just take the ones you never let me wear".

He stopped at a red light and turned to me "you are not bringing those clothes with you. I don't need any other man looking at you especially since I won't be there. Don't test me".

"Oooo I'm so scared" I mocked. "Can I go back home since now I have to pack for Jade and I?".

He nodded "yeah I guess that'll be a good idea". This is just ridiculous and a waste of time. But if he wants to send me away then shall be it


Early the next morning...

"Stop pouting and let's go" Alex pushed me gently so I could walk faster. "I don't want to go! Why are you doing this?".

"Because until this blows over...you can't do too much damage where you are going. So come on" he said.

I'm leaving everything to go somewhere alone with our daughter. When we got in the car I pouted some more. "How about I give you head right now or whenever you want?". He coughed since I caught him off guard. Reaching over and caressing his thigh giving it a small squeeze. "Zoli we can't Jade is in the back. But nice try... I'll remember this when you come back". Snatching my hand away and grunting.

Once we reached the airport. I got out not happy at all. "Come on give your husband a kiss". Turning my head which made him kiss my cheek instead. "Zoli, don't be like this!". Walking away from him with Jade in my hand. He stood there and waved.

When we boarded the plane one of the pilots asked if I wanted to see where they sit. I was already in a sour ass mood. But then an idea came to me. I nodded "sure" they led me to the cockpit. Explaining to me how things work. Taking off one of their hats and putting it on my head.

"Can you take a pic of me?" I asked the other pilot eyeing me. He snapped a pic and I sent it to Alex. In no time he texted me back a long message.

"Don't make me come on that plane and kick the pilots ass then the flight will be cancelled and not only you but everyone else will be mad that they can't leave the airport today

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"Don't make me come on that plane and kick the pilots ass then the flight will be cancelled and not only you but everyone else will be mad that they can't leave the airport today. And secondly why are you in there to begin with? Shouldn't you be taking your seat?. And why is the pilot so happy in the background? What's his name I'm reporting him? Is he checking you out? Was he was the one who offered to show you the cockpit? And who is taking the pic? Cause if I find out it was the other pilot I'm reporting him. Zoli, do not and I repeat DO NOT TEST ME! Behave while you are this mini vacation. Don't give me a reason to come down there to punish you and then I can come back up. And I'm keeping this pic for the days I want to you know. This pic will help. And let me know when you both arrive. Go sit in your seat!"

Rolling my eyes cause he's so possessive. Thanking the men for showing me around I went to see where I was seated. As the plane started to lift off my nerves were all over the place. Just wish my husband was with me.

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