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"Thank you for inviting me over" I said. Zoli was holding Jade and smiled "figured we could do a mini sleep over".

"Sounds good to me" I said. Taking a seat on the floor only because the carpet is so damn comfortable. Zoli took a seat on the couch behind me. "Oh before I forget to tell you... your boy chad is stopping by to get his last check".

"Wait? What? Why?. Alex can't mail him his last check?" I asked.

Zoli shrugged "I have no clue. I'm just following what he told me to do. And since he's not here momentarily I have to give him his check".

"Damn... Alex is irritating" I said. Last person I wanted to see was chad. Especially since I chickened out telling Zoli was his plan was. Hearing the door bell I sighed "could you get that?. I need to get the check from upstairs" Zoli asked. Getting up I made my way to the door "what?".

"I wasn't expecting you to be here. But I'll take it though" he said with a smirk.

"I would let you in but no dogs allowed... sorry" I said. He pouted and then smiled "Michelle I see you still want some more of what happened.."

"Nah, I'm good. It's not worth it". Zoli came down the stairs "let him in". Mean mugging him while he walked passed me to come inside. Zoli walked to the kitchen quickly. Chad stopped and picked up the tray of fruits.

"Cute you guys set up this fruit presentation for me?" He asked

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"Cute you guys set up this fruit presentation for me?" He asked.

"You're not that special. And that's rude that you put your dirty hands all over the fresh fruits. We don't know where your hands been" I said.

"It could be somewhere on you" he winked. Rolling my eyes at his comment. If I could rewind time I wouldn't have went drinking with him. I went back to sitting on the floor. Didn't want to be anywhere near him. Zoli came out with his check and handed it to him "here you go".

"Thanks" he stuffed a piece of fruit in his mouth and winked at me

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"Thanks" he stuffed a piece of fruit in his mouth and winked at me.

"Hope you choke" I said.

"Michelle you seem frustrated... I can help you with that" he said.

"You got your check so you may leave now" I said.

"This isn't your home you can't tell me when I can leave" he said.

"But I can. The door is there" Zoli chimed in. He placed the fruit tray down and looked upset that he got kicked out. He's so bipolar. Once he left Zoli emptied out the fruit into the trash "we don't know where his hands been. So these are contaminated".

"My girl" I joked. She came to sit back down with Jade in her hand. "Can't stand him. His whole vibe he gives off is just nasty". Contemplating if I should just tell her now what he's up to. I don't want to ruin the mood of this sleepover.

"You okay?" She asked.

"Just have a lot on my mind" I said.

"Like what? Since we have time" she said.

Hesitation got the best of me. Zoli just stared at me waiting for me to say something. "I have to tell you something. But before I say anything I just want you to know as I got know you and Alex... you both really love each other and I don't get why so many people are against you guys being together".

"Where is this going?" She asked.

Taking a deep breath "Umm... chad had hired me to come onto Alex so you guys would break up. But once I got to know chad he showed how evil he is. I wanted nothing to do with what he had planned. Then I got to know you and I didn't understand why he wanted to break you guys up. I pulled out of the plan all together. He was upset. But he's planning to get some other woman to come between you and Alex".

Zoli just sat there without blinking. Like she was staring into space. I wasn't sure on what I should do.

"Once Alex comes home we won't tell him about this. Only because he won't handle it the way it needs to be handled. I think we need to pay chad's bitch ass a little visit. You know I can deal with irritating people. But when you're constantly butting into my marriage then I'll have to resort to the Zoli I once was".

"Wouldn't Alex be upset if you don't tell him?" I asked. Knowing how Alex is about Zoli. He's going to be pissed.

"No, because if he knows he won't allow me to handle it myself. Let me deal with chad. I should've dealt with him when we first met"

"Are you mad at me?" I asked.

"No not really. But if you was faking to be cool with me just to ahead with this plan. Then I would be livid!" Wiping the pretend sweat off my forehead and smiling "whew! That's good to know".

"I feel like I want to be like Beyoncé in that video where she was swinging that bat at everything... I feel like we should do the same to chad but in his home".

"I'm not trying to go to jail. Let's do something less criminal" I suggested.

"Hmm... you right. Well I'll come up with a plan by the morning" she said. We talked some more and even played Netflix. When I turned I saw Zoli was out cold with Jade on her chest.

Feeling sleepy myself I got up and turned off the television and got on the opposite couch and went to sleep feeling so much better that she knew everything now

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Feeling sleepy myself I got up and turned off the television and got on the opposite couch and went to sleep feeling so much better that she knew everything now.

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