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"I don't know why we couldn't stay in Puerto Rico. It's so damn cold here!" I whined. Alex looked over at me "you still haven't got used to the cold Minnesota weather yet?". I shook my head "Hello no I haven't. Even in the spring and summer... one minute it'll be hot and the next it's damn near winter".

He laughed "Minnesota likes playing with you". Rolling my eyes "Whatever... I would've been fine having the baby in Puerto Rico. Just sayin".

Tomorrow is the gender reveal party. Even though I already know what I'm having. I have an inkling anyway.

"You ready for tomorrow?" Alex asked me.

"I guess... who's all going?" I asked.

"Everyone is going to be there" he said.

"Well at least I know the only person who I know who's there for me will be Nick".

"And myself and my mom" Alex corrected me.

"You don't count" I said. Lifting up my feet cause they were so damn swollen. Alex looked at me with concern "is it normal for your feet to be so swollen like that?".

I shrugged "beats me. But it's annoying. I can't wear shoes anymore. Only flip flops".

He just kept looking at my feet. "What?".

"I don't think that's normal. Are you feeling okay though?" He asked.

"Other than I have a headache. I'm fine" he raised his brow "just keep an eye on the swelling".

"Okay doctor" I teased.


We got to the venue for this gender reveal party. I mean what happened to just getting a sonogram done and finding out that way. I'm not the one to be extra. But Alex's mom is so flashy I can't.

Walking in Alex held my hand. And when I tell you she went all out...

"Alex! Zoli! You are here!" His mom came over and hugged us both. "You out did yourself, mom".

She smiled "well thank you. Zoli how do you like the decor?".

"Um... very loud! But nice" I lied. She smiled "good I was hoping you like it. And once we reveal what your having balloons will fall from the ceiling. So if ta a boy blue balloons and girl pink balloons".

I nod "cool". We walked away from her cause I was thirsty. Alex got me cup of water "you okay?".

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"You're feet are crazy swollen" he said.

"They're always like this lately. But I'm good" I said.

"Alex!!! My bro what's up?" His friend yelled walking over. I rolled my eyes "here we go".

"Hey what's up?. Thanks for coming" Alex said. His friend smiled "I wouldn't miss this for anything". I removed myself from his friend. Just giving me a bad vibe. Walking over to the food table. I scanned what was there. "Best friend!" I heard nick yell. A smile came across my face instantly. He came over and hugged me "you look amazing".

"Thank you I try sometimes" I joked.

"This is nice. Decor is poppin' too!" Nick said looking around.

"Give thanks to Alex's mom she did all this" I said.

"Well damn she got money. Cause I know this shit wasn't cheap" he said.

Laughing "you're crazy". A man approached us smiling "Zoli?". Raising my brow "who wants to know?".

"I'm Alex's friend chad. I wanted to congratulate you on this pregnancy" something about him was rubbing me the wrong way. "Didn't you go with us to Miami?".

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