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Gonna give you guys something to read on the morning commute or maybe before you hit the snooze button. Like I did plenty of times lol.


Couldn't be more happier about how our situation was handled. I got my wife back. And let me tell you Zoli has been on me everyday. I don't know if it's hormones or what. But she is hot and ready all the time. I'm not complaining at all but damn.

At my office just making a couple of phone calls to get this meeting going already. Plus, I was waiting for Mac to come into my office. For some reason he was taking a long time to get here. My intercom switched on "Alex? Mac is here to see you sir".

"Send him in, thank you" I responded. The door opened and Mac walked in. "Good morning, sir". Glancing up at him and just remembering he's the reason why shit hit the fan. The anger was surfacing. "Mac". He took a seat in front of me. "Did I say you can sit?".

"Umm... no sir" he nervously said.

"Then stand the fuck up" I said. He quickly stood up and straightened his clothing. "So?. I have a bone to pick with you".

"You do? I mean I've been doing the work" he said.

"Not about work. About my wife. You know the beautiful young woman who was nice enough to be nice to you when you walked in here... yeah so how did you get her number?".

"Well, she dropped her phone... that's how". I walked over to him and stood right in front of him. "If anyone dropped their phone it's rare you could get the actual number to that phone. Unless you went fishing through it".

"Umm..." cutting him off "Umm what? It's either yes or no!".

He didn't answer.

"Didn't you realize I would find out you were texting her?. What? Did you think you would text her and she wouldn't eventually let me know?. Wow! You're an idiot!" I laughed.

He seemed a little confused on why I was laughing. "Sir, it wasn't like that".

"Like what? You texting a married woman?" I asked. He didn't answer once again.

"Mac listen, what I have is something I worked hard to get. Zoli is that one thing that took a while for me to have. And I'm not about to lose five years of love because some punk ass bitch wants to come in between thinking he has a chance".

I must've struck a chord. "You think woman don't cheat. If I wanted your wife I could've had her. But I was taking my time due to the fact she is married".

Before I knew it I grabbed him by the collar and pushed him up against the wall "wrong fucking answer!. You know what I should do to you right now?" I whispered closely to him. My office door opened and the last person I would see walked in.

"Alex? This is how you handle your workers?! I taught you well!" My father said. Letting Mac go he raced out the office. This old man has the worst timing. "How can I help you?".

"What do you mean? I came to see my son. Who doesn't care to call me" he said.

"Who let you in here?" I asked because I have a do not enter list and he was on the top of the fucking paper with deep red circle around his name.

"That pretty young thing out there. Are you sleeping with that?" He asked.

"No! I'm married. I'm not you" I said.

"Marriage didn't stop me from dipping my feet into the pond" he joked.

"Why are you here again?" I asked.

"Oh because word around town is your a family man now. And I wanted to meet this infamous wife of yours".

"Not happening. Anything else?" I asked.

"Why not? If anything I should. I am your father. Yes, in the past I done some things I can't change or take back but let's move on from that and focus on the future".

Bursting out in laughter "who are you fooling?".

"So my son takes me as a joke. How respectful?" He sarcastically said.

"Respectful? No you don't get any respect from me. Anything else?" I said.

"Well I heard you have a child now, too. I would love to meet it" he said.

"No! Anything else?" I asked. This whole visit was a waste. I don't even know why he came here.

He sighed "so I see your wife is a negro. Correct?".

"No, She's African American" I corrected him.

"Ah, yes! Well I wouldn't have guessed you would end up marrying a colored girl. You don't find it weird?".

"Nope, she's human like everyone else. Skin color shouldn't matter. And stop using past terms like colored or negro and don't you dare say the other N word or I will have to throw you out" I warned.

"Do you know who I saw the other day?" He asked.

"Don't care" I said.

"You remember Rebecca? She was asking about you. I told her to give me her number and I would have you call her" he went through his pocket and gave me the number. All I could do is stare at him like he was completely stupid. Ripping up the paper into pieces and throwing it on the floor "get out!".

"You took too much of your mother. Too soft" he said getting up. "At least I didn't turn out like you. Abusing my family because I have a sick demented mind set".

"Touché son, touché" he laughed. "I'll call you some other time. Maybe we can set up a date so I can meet your family".

"I just said no before. So don't ask. Don't call. Don't wonder. It's not happening. Delusional". He exited my office and I face palmed myself. The morning just started and I almost kicked mac's ass and my dad has to be suffering from dementia or Alzheimer's. And I have to talk to the woman in the front because she's lacking on security.

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