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I needed to get away from this house and Alex for a little bit

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I needed to get away from this house and Alex for a little bit. He's been so off and it's shaking up my energy. Luckily, the universe heard my prayer because my mom wanted to take a road trip along with my sister and jade. Feeling bad hunter couldn't come along but maybe it's best he stays with his dad.

"Jade?!!" I yelled. She came running in "Yes?".

"Umm grandma Nia wants to take us on a little road trip. Just us women" I said. Her eyes lit up "where are we going?".

"That I don't know... but we are going to be gone for a week. So start packing and make sure it's in your suitcase neatly" I said. She jumped up and down and sped out my room. Hunter came in pouting "how come I can't go?".

"Because its a female thing. Sorry... I feel bad that you can't come. But look on the brighter side you and dad can bond" I said.

"But.. he's been so down. He won't be as fun to hang with. How about I put on a wig?" He said.

"Hunter... no! That won't work" I said. He stomped his feet "aw man!". Pulling him to me and hugging him "can you just chill and be here for dad. Maybe you can lighten him up a little". He looked up at me "yeah right".


We were packed up ready to go. Nia texted me she was about five minutes away. Even though Alex wasn't himself he did help us with our bags and brought everything outside. I'm hoping some time alone will do him some good. He stood with us as Nia pulled up. My sister threw her hands out the window in excitement. "Hey sis!" She yelled. Jade ran up to the car in excitement. I was about to walk up to the car but Alex grabbed my arm "behave while you're on this trip. I don't want any alarming phone calls".

"This is a family trip not a girls weekend trip. Relax" I said. He leaned in and kissed me "have fun". He let me go so I walked to the car "he seems a little better" my mom said. Looking back at Alex "eh, not really".

"Well what are we waiting for? Get in!" My sister yelled. Jade got in first and umm made sure she was buckled in. Then I made sure the bags were securely in the back. Once everything was good I went back to hug hunter cause well I'll miss him. He hugged me tight "remember just be here for dad" I whispered. He nodded "okay". Running back to the car I hopped in "now we can go".

Nia heard that and sped off. "Where are we going?" Jade asked.

"No where in particular. We are just riding along the road to see where it takes us" Nia said.

"Oh cool!" Jade said. Never seen her this happy before. "So Zoli how does it feel to be apart of this family now?" My sister asked.

"Great! Coming from where I grew up.. it's like a kid on Christmas morning" I said.

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