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Talk about feeling like crap. I knew I ended up catching jades cold times ten. Stuffy nose, chills, coughing. This was the worst. Meeting nick at a local joint cause he was hungry and isn't want to eat alone.

I was running late because I had to feed the twins before I left. This cold was getting on my nerves. Seeing nick when I walked in "hey sorry I'm late".

"Sis you look horrible!" He said.

"Well thank you. The whole hot flashing shit was a preview of me getting sick. No joke I've been sick for like two whole weeks. And the worse thing is this damn cough!".

"Have you taken something for it?" He asked.

"Everything you could think of" I said. Opening the menu I looked through it but I wasn't hungry. Closing the menu and putting it to the side "I'm good".

"You good, and I'm starving" he joked. I smiled and looked around the place. That's when I saw her sitting down alone at the table two tables down from us. "Nick that's Candace!". He turned around and gasped "that's the bitch from the bar that night".

Say what?.

"Huh? That's her?!" I asked.

He nodded "yup... wow she was really trying. That's why she's alone now".

"I'm too sick to say something to her" I whined. Nick smiled "not me!" He whistled at her. She looked up at us confused. "Yes you!" He said. She got up and walked over slowly. "Do I know you?" She asked. Now I had my shades on she wasn't going to recognize me. "Well you know Alex right?" I asked.

She nodded "I do, why?".

"Because he's my husband!. I was the one who walked in on you two that day" I said. She wide eyed me "look I don't want any problems".

"If there's any problems... you caused it in yourself" nick said.

"What was your intentions with my husband anyway?" I asked.

"It was strictly business. That's it" she lied.

"Right? So going to a bar with a potential business partner is appropriate?" Nick asked. She didn't say anything. "I thought so. Look let me give you some advice. Leave married men alone. That's how you bitches be getting killed out here. Just find a single guy!".

I felt a fever coming on. Holding my head cause I was about to tap out. "Sis you okay?" Nick asked.

"Just feel like death knocking at my door. I think I need to go to the hospital" I said.

"Don't worry sis I got you" he said. Nick turned to Candace "we ain't done with you..."

"Fuck her! Let's go before I pass out" I said. Nick got up and helped me out. Walking into the hospital the nurse took one look at me and got me to a room. They started me on antibiotics through IV. "Sis you'll be okay".

The doctor walked in she smiled "how are you feeling?".

"Like death... what is wrong with me?" I asked.

"From what you told the nurse and the way you're breathing. You have pneumonia. Now in your records it says you have your tubes tied. So you wouldn't be pregnant, right?".

"Hell no! Impossible" I said.

"Because we have to take an X-ray of your chest to see what's going on. But for safety precautions I'll set up a urine test just to make sure" she said.

"It's a waste! I'm not pregnant. But go ahead doc" I said. Nick had called Alex ignoring him I'm in the hospital. He didn't waste any time getting here. He opened the door "Are you okay?".

"Yeah apparently I have pneumonia" I said.

"Wow really? Luckily nick brought you here" he said. The doctor came in and handed me the urine cup "whenever you're ready". Alex raised his brow "what is this for?".

"She needs an X-ray of my chest but she wants to make sure I'm not pregnant" I said.

"But— nick cut him off "we explained she isn't but she insisted". I got up and went to the bathroom. She's lucky I drank some orange juice before I met
nick. Placing the cup on the counter I washed my hands and got back in the bed. My whole body just felt like shutting down.

"Good you did it! I'll take this and I'll be back" she smiled and walked out. It was a waste but she'll figure it out. Alex was caressing my hair to relax me. "You'll be okay. You're a fighter".

"Do you want some water?" Nick asked.

"No I'm good, thank you" I said. I just wanted to get better and go on home. About ten minutes later the same doctor came in "Well... we can't do the X-ray. But I have a question for you. When did you get your tubes tied?".

"Like two months ago, why?" I asked.

"Because you are... pregnant. Congrats" she smiled. That's when everything went black. I fainted when she said this words to me. Actually nick and I both fainted. Go figure. When I came to Alex was standing there concerned. "What happened?".

"You fainted" he said.

"Remind me to go murder that doctor for lying to me" I said.

"You need to rest" he said.

"This is scary, Alex. I don't want anything to go wrong!" I said.

"I know you are. But you'll be fine. I'll make sure of it" he said. Easier said than done. Oh wait, for when I see that doctor he's going to get it from me.

Jesus take the wheel I'm pregnant with my fifth child. I'm convinced Alex has some marvel comics super sperm.

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