Night Terrors ( Hux x reader )

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You shuddered. 



Eyes closed. 


You were back again.


Holding your baby brother.

Singing to him. Trying to distract him. Your mother stumbles in.


She is crying. She takes your brother and leaves the room. Tears trickled out of your eyes.

Why did they fight?

Your mother closes the door to her bedroom. Your father pounds on it, calling her name. 

You shake, as he turned around, face contorted, eyes full of hatred. 

His finger raises, and you feel as though an icicle is piercing through your heart. 

"This is all your fault!" He shouts, stalking towards you.

You crumple, a distressed cry shakes your body.


You awaken, shuddering and sitting bolt upright in a bed that isn't your's. There are hands on your shoulders, and green eyes staring into yours. Hux was straddling your legs, and had clearly just shaken you awake.

Confused and dazed you open your mouth slightly as if to say something, but nothing comes out. Your mind races, and you sit that way for what feels like an eternity, trying to get a grip, until the silence is broken by a single sob ripping its way through your body.

Instantly reacting Hux gives you a sympathetic click of his tongue, and he wraps one arm around your waist tangling his other into your hair, pulling you into a tight and warm embrace. Your arms weakly clutch at the fabric of his undershirt, and you bury your head underneath his chin, and into his chest.

Sobs racked through your body, and you sat there, fragile in Hux's arms, as he calmingly shushed you, and murmured things you couldn't understand. His warmth, and the feeling of him breathing eventually brought you to a state of sensibility.

You understood where you were, that you were safe, and with the man that had rescued you from that awful home. You were shaking and he laid back down with you, and he chastely hugged you, stroking your hair until you drifted off to sleep.

 A U T H O R ' S   N O T E 

I think there was an accidental P.O.V shift in here somewhere, but I'll have to deal with it later.

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