Doctor Strange X Reader - Dinner With Your Parents

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"Just ignore my dad."

"If my mum makes you feel uncomfortable tell me."

"Don't let the little kids get on your nerves."


You were cut off by Stephen letting out a long sigh, and pulling over. You panicked "What are you doing!? If we're late dad's going to-"

"Y/N."He turned his head to look at you in the passengers seat, and took your small hand in his. "You need to calm down. Your dad's just overly-cynical, I love your mother, and the little kids are well behaved. You need to calm down okay?" Even though you were immensely stressed out you couldn't help a shaky smile come across your face.

"I'm so lucky to have you. I love you so much." you murmured as he kissed your forehead, and turned back to the wheel to continue driving. "Hey, families aren't perfect. It's just common knowledge. Besides, it's important that you visit your family, I know how much they mean to you... Even if your dad's an ass..." He snuck in the last comment as if you wouldn't notice.




"He is! I am not some "snobby-goatee-creep"..."

You giggled slightly, even though when your dad started that argument the first time he met Stephen you were mortified. Your fiance gave an unimpressed snort at your amusement, and flicked on the radio.

You trembled from your nerves when you finally pulled up out front of your child-hood home however, and got out of the car, taking Stephen's arm maybe a little to tightly. "Relax. It'll be fine." He muttered as the door of your home opened, and a sense of joy filled you as your mother shrieked your name, and came legging out across your lawn with no shoes.

You flung yourself into your mothers tight embrace, and she showered your whole face with kisses, then turning around doing the same for Stephen. "I missed you two so much! How are you? How have you been?" she said with a big smile. God you loved your mother, even though she was slightly crazy. "We've been great mum. Where's dad and the kids?"

"They're inside, and don't worry darling George promised to be on his best behavior." She shot Stephen a consoling look and then began to trot inside, with the two of you in tow. The door opened and you were greeted with the heartwarming smell of home, and the shrill voices of children. Two impacts almost bowled you over as you're two younger brothers Andrew and Zach gave you a running hug. Stephen who had caught you gave a laugh at your shriek, and in turn braced himself for a hug in the similar manner.

You caught sight of your teenage brother Jake in your peripheral and gave him a warm hug, the two of you had always been quite close and kept in touch, he often stayed with you and Stephen to get away from the chaos of a huge family like yours. Among the bedlam another pair of arms wrapped around you and the voice of your older brother Chris purred "Hey sis! Been a while!". Amongst all of the smiles and greetings exchanged among everyone it all went silent when your father entered the room.

He gave Stephen a cold look, before smiling as you threw yourself at him shouting "Dad!". He kissed your cheek, and the noise resumed, "How're you? You look lovely", he led you into the dinning room with an arm around your shoulder. "Thank you dad, I'm really really good." beaming at him, as the two of you sat down everyone else making their way to the dinning room as well. Chris sat down between you (achieving a sour glare from your father), while Stephen had been recruited to sit between Andrew and Zach, his two biggest fans.

Your mother and Jake brought in the food, and you all conversed through dinner, catching each other up on your lives. "Gosh I missed this." you murmured to Jake who was beside you sitting quietly. "Do you really?" He chuckled slightly. It was slightly Ironic how the poor kid had been born into the loudest family of all time when he was one of the most shy people you had ever met. It explained why he spent half of his time at your place. Chris and you began to talk . Being the only two over eighteen, you were the only two that had moved out and therefore you rarely got to see each other. Eventually when everyone finished their food, the entire family began reminiscing about life years ago.

This conversation had you clenching your teeth, because it was a well known fact that though your father loved all his children deeply, he was also very critical, blunt and disapproving. "You know," He was saying to everyone, "I'm very impressed where the two of you ended up. Chris, we were so sure that you were going to end up in prison, with the amount that you skipped class. And Y/N, I am quite honestly shocked that you made it to where you are now rather than moping the floor at some McDonalds." You rolled your eyes, and your mother gasped, "George!" she scolded. "No, no, no Marie, lets be honest, Y/N was never the smartest tool in the tool shed-"

But he was cut off. By Stephen. You died. "Excuse me, but Y/N is one of the smartest young women I think that I have ever met. If you think otherwise, then quite frankly you're the stupid one. She is kind, and loving, and better than you in every way. And if I recall, you are in construction right? Do you have a nursing degree? Did you even pass high-school?" Just like that the air left the room. You felt as though your heart might explode and everyone stared between your father and fiance with dread.

Your father had sat there quietly though the rant, but the look that he had in his eyes would make any grown man wither away, and when he stood up knocking his chair away from him and never once blinking or losing eye contact with Stephen everyone shuddered. "Get your ASS outside. I need a word." Stephen hesitated at the growl for a moment before standing up as well and following your father. You went to stand up but the look your mother gave you made you sit back down. Jake put an arm around you as you put your head in your hands, trying to reassure yourself that Stephen could handle himself.

Outside Stephen turned around ready for the berating. "You think you can marry my daughter?" George asked quietly, facing away from him. "I will." Stephen said calmly, knowing what would come next. But he was completely wrong. Giving a sigh, George turned around to face him, looked him up and down. "You have my blessing." He said gruffly. Stephen stood there gob-smacked and blinking. "Pardon?"

"I said you have my blessings to marry Y/N." the old man replied rather irritated. Stephen gave him a look of confusion, and George rolled his eyes with a sigh. "Look, I really don't like you, but I respect you. It takes some balls to stand up to me, and the fact that you defended my daughter so fiercely means that I can't not respect you. She is my little girl, my only daughter, and she deserves the world. I know that's unreasonable, but the least she deserves is someone who loves her just as much as she loves them."

A short silence followed after that, and Stephen, not really knowing what to say, thought for a moment and opened his mouth to speak, before being scowled at by George. "Shut up. Don't talk.", he growled before walking back into the house leaving the completely bewildered doctor, standing there gaping.

Later on that night Stephen and you were driving back to your place, and you were deeply confused from the happening at dinner. Expecting for there to have been a huge fight between your dad and Stephen both of them had returned calm, and the night had resumed normally. Which was quite honestly the last thing you were expecting. What if your father scared him out of the marriage? What if you were going to wake up to an empty house the next morning? The thought of it made you feel as though you would be sick with grief.


"Yes darling?"

"What did you and my dad talk about..?"

He furrowed his brow for a moment, making your heart jump, before he opened his mouth and spoke carefully. "Well, he scared me a bit... I just wasn't expecting what he was going to do. We're going to have to change the wedding a bit..." Your mouth went dry and you put a hand on your face. "... We aren't going to have to 'elope'." He gave a slight chuckle. That was not what you had been expecting... Furrowing your brow you looked up at him. "What?" He smiled. "Your father gave us his blessing!" You gave a squeal and kicked the floor of the car, a huge smile cracking across your face, and you began to babble about all of the plans that you could now make.

"We can have our wedding here!"

"The kids can come..."

"Dad can walk me down the aisle!"

"Its a dream come true!"

He just smiled back. He adored you.

A U T H O R ' S N O T E

Well, I have no idea where this came from, but it just popped into my head, and I really like it!

Questions, comments or concerns?

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