Hands off - Owen Grady x reader

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Possible Trigger Warning: Involves a scene where someone attempts to force themselves on the reader without asking. It ends up fine though and said person stops.

You were curled up on your bed fast asleep, stripped down to a sports bra, and a pair of spandex shorts due to the intense heat of Central America. A loud knock sounded at the door, and you started awake letting out a tired groan and glancing at your clock. 2:00 am. WHY? confusion flooded your mind in your half asleep state and you stared at the ceiling.

The knocking sounded again this time far more hysterical, and you sobered up from your daze, filling with worry, and rushing to open the door. The knocking begun again but you cut it off whipping open the door, and as you did you could practically feel your nose hairs being singed with the thick smell of alcohol that washed over you.

There stood Barry, and Owen. Well, there stood Barry. Owens legs didn't seem to be working, and he was clinging onto Barry in a ridiculously casual manner that only Owen could. You didn't think that you could qualify that as standing, even though the confidence was there. 

Taking it in, you wanted to laugh, but in all honesty the exhaustion and randomness of it all just made you stare for a second, and then scrunch up your face and put your hands over your eyes. "Why? What? Wh-" You asked in a distressed tone before being cut off by Barry. "This guy isn't going to make it home." Barry said giving you a somewhat pleading look, and sending a quick nod to Owen.

Standing there for an exasperated moment you rolled your eyes. "Vein entre dans..." you sighed strolling back into your trailer and grabbing a cardigan to slip on. "Just sit him down and I'll deal with him." you murmured, crossing your arms around yourself with a yawn as Barry dragged a protesting Owen over to your couch and allowed him to flop onto it. Owen sat there once again looking content.

You rubbed your face and Barry gave you a small smile. "Did you have to walk the whole way here?" You questioned. He just cringed and nodded. "Pauvre chose..." you simpered patting his cheek and he just gave you a look of mildly offended disbelief. You simply shrugged. "It's your fault for getting him so drunk. Now, do you need to stay over too?" you questioned a bit more seriously.

"No. Not unless you need me to keep him under control?" he asked looking at Owen appraisingly. Mimicking his actions you came to your conclusion and shook your head. "Nah, he can barely walk. I'll be able to handle him." You said with a chuckle. Barry just furrowed his brow slightly. "Alright then. On y va!" He exclaimed turning for the door. "Goodnight! Safe walk!" you called after him locking up, and then turning to Owen who was sitting on the couch smirking at you. 

"Alright big guy, lets get you some water." turning around to your kitchen you grabbed a large glass and filled it, triggering Owen into some sort of laughing fit. You began to smile. He had the most contagious laugh. Actually, it was more of a cackle, but it was cute none-the less. Passing him the glass and telling him to drink the whole thing, he kept giggling and begun spilling water on himself, only leading to him laughing even more.

"You are such a man child!" You scoffed incredulously. "He just raised a brow at you. "You know kid, speaking of children, you're not as much of a kid as I thought you were, kid." he stated blinking quite a few times afterwards, seeming as though he confused himself with the amount of times he said 'kid'. You just rolled your eyes. Ever since you had come to the raptor team, you were coined (by Owen) the 'kid'. You were twenty three. He was twenty nine. It was ridiculous.

"You realize I'm only like, six years younger than you, right?" you stated dryly. He grinned and gave a laugh. "I always knew that, I'm just reminded of it now more than ever." Puzzled by his smirk you furrowed your brow, and followed his gaze. Suddenly realizing that your cardigan had fallen open. Flinging it back around yourself and wrapping your arms tightly around your waist, you tried to will away the burning in your cheeks, giving Owen a stern look. There was that cackle once again.

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