First time you meet them - Harry Potter, Oliver Wood & Draco Malfoy

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Harry Potter:

It was the third week of school, and you were loving it. you had already made a close group of friends, and the classes that you had were so much more interesting than muggle school! Right now you were in potions with the Gryffindors, and this you had to say was not one of your best moments.

You were freaking out because you knocked over your potion and it was now proceeding to melt any rags that you were trying to wipe it up with, and it was bubbling in rather sinister hisses. You knew that if Snape saw he would completely humiliate you in front of the class, and a mixture of dread and panic rose in your chest.

But then he taped your shoulder. He came to rescue you. Well, Sort of. You turned and looked over at the desks beside you, and crouching down to help you was none other than the famous Harry Potter. You went red with embarrassment and he whispered "Here let us help you!" Turning to a girl with bushy hair and slightly buck teeth they exchanged quiet mutters until she rummaged around through her own potion ingredients and handed him something.

Harry dove under the desk again and sprinkled a few shrivelled looking leaves into the spreading puddle, and almost at once it turned from orange to green and stopped sizzling. You threw the last rag on it and could finally clean up the mess. "Thank you SO much..." you whispered in relief. "Don't mention it! He said with a small smile, before returning to his own cauldron.

Oliver Wood:

It was a bright sunny day, and you couldn't think of a better way to spend it than outside, wandering the school grounds. Currently you were strolling past the quittich pitch, listening to the bees buzzing, the birds tweeting, and the faint shouting to watch out... -Hold on, what?

You paused for a moment to listen closer, and as the shouting got louder, a scribbling noise did as well... it almost sounded like... Eyes widening in realization, you spun around in time to see a heavy black ball hurtling towards you!

With a squeak you threw yourself to the ground and the bludger went flying past where your head used to be. Horrified, you rolled over, to see the ball, slowing down and beginning to reverse towards you again, until, a blur of scarlet collided with it, and another person, abandoning his broom, fell to the ground wrestling the heavy ball down.

"M-Mind grabbing me that box over there?!?!?" He shouted at you, and you looked over your shoulder to the entrance of the Pitch where a chest stood. You got up, sprinted over to it, and as quickly as you could, dragged it over to the poor guy.

You stood back, panting, as he wrestled the bludger back into it's box, and strapped it down, before energetically slamming the box closed, standing up, and giving it a kick.

"Oh my god! Are you okay??? I am SO sorry, was that my fault?" You ran over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. He chucked and brushing it off panted, "Not to worry, blasted thing has been on the fritz for weeks. I'll just have Madam Hooch take a look." he sat down, and you, who were also out of breath, from the sprint to the distant entrance, sat down beside him.

"Hey, I've seen you around, but I never actually caught your name. Your in fifth year as well, right?" You nodded, and held out your hand. "I'm y/n."

The two of you sat, and talked for quite a while longer, getting to know each other.

Draco Malfoy:

You were in your first year, and funnily enough, you bumped into him in the hall way, and he just spat at you and called you a filthy mud blood.

You didn't let it get to you though, since you figured he had issues, or was just having a bad day.

 A U T H O R ' S   N O T E 

This is from what was going to be a preference book dedicated entirely to Harry Potter, but I then I realized just how difficult they are to write! I am amazed by everyone that's able to stay that focused, and work that hard!

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