Let Blue die - Owen x reader

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The bar was stuffy and classic and you took another sip of your cool beer enjoying the gentle fizz as it went down your throat. You knew why you were here and though the current mood was lighthearted you were waiting for it to shift. Years ago you had been brought on as a part of project IBRIS with Owen as the caretaker for the girls, and had been with him since the beginning. Over the years you had become best friends, and eventually you decided that as they got bigger you'd need another set of hands seeing as Owen was busy training. Owen brought on Barry, and that's how it was for some time. The best days of your life. The days of the raptor squad.

Until it all went to shit. 

The incident five years ago ruined all of that. Three of your girls dead, PTSD from the trauma that you went through, and sudden unemployment. You were sure you were done for. You felt like you had nothing to live for. Owen,-who unbeknownst to him,  you had fallen for long ago- had a new girlfriend Clair, Barry had severed all of his ties to the island to ease the pain of losing everything, and You were left alone. The smothering weight of mourning over the girls made for some dark few months, and if it hadn't been for Owen's daily calls you wouldn't have made it out of them. 

Though it sounds malicious things started to get better when Owen and Clair Broke up. Nobody was really surprised that they did, but it hit Owen hard. Although, when you were the only one to follow Owen up to Montana so that he wouldn't be alone he realized how he really felt about you. He always tells you that the moment he realized he loved you was when he told you that he wanted nothing to do with any of his old life, and quote "damn straight I'm running away from my problems but its the best idea I've had yet.", he says that when he finished telling you that he was moving to the mountains, and you took a pause before replying with "Okay. When are we leaving?"  and he realized that you were the perfect person for him. You call bull-shit, even though you're flattered.

So you went. You bought a nice chunk of land, lived out of a trailer, and two years in became engaged. Now you two were married, perfectly content, and a few months ago Owen decided he was going to build a cabin so that the two of you could start a proper family. Life was good as long as the news channel wasn't on. Now Owen and you did talk, and discuss the possibilities long before you got the phone calls a few weeks ago, and you had both agreed that there was nothing you could do, and the right thing was to allow man's mistakes to correct themselves. But whenever you heard the reports of the volcano and numerous debates of morals your heart broke a little bit more.

Now Clair sat across from you laughing, and Owen, who was leaned back, arm around the back of the bench you two were sitting on snorted slightly. "No, I broke up with you." He stated resulting in you giving a laugh, jerking forwards when you almost spat out your beer. Clair leaned forward with a blink, and a disbelieving look. "Are you kidding?" She giggled as she spoke, and Owen took a drink with a nod. "Nope. You said that you 'were not going to spend your life living in a van' and I said 'okay'. I broke up with you." the conviction that he spoke with caused both you and Clair to burst into giggles, and Owen sat looking mildly spurned. 

When you calmed down you reached across the table and took the red-heads hand in yours. "Sure you did big guy. Now really Clair, how are you? We haven't been in touch lately!" You smiled at her and she took your hand as well, but as she opened her mouth to reply Owen interrupted her. "Yeah, who are you dating now?" he smirked, and you sat back with an eye-roll. "Owen." Clair said doing the same.

"... Ventriloquist?"

"Stop!" You gave him a slight back hand but he ignored you. "You love a dummy." He continued and Clair, exchanging an exasperated look with you, returned her gaze to Owen. "This is not why we're here." You stiffened slightly, as Owen quickly countered her statement with "I know why we're here." The mood shift that you had predicted arrived and your face dropped into total seriousness as you took another sip of beer to quell the flutter in your heart. Clair and him stared at each other for a long few seconds before he gave a chuckle. "Don't think he didn't call me to. A rescue op to save the dinosaurs on an island that's about to explode. What could go wrong?" the sarcasm was without humor, and Clair shook her head. 

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