Chapter Two

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i jumped out of the car, my high heeled biker boots clomping on the sidewalk. (the heels were think and rubber so that's why they clomp instead of click.) i opened the door and left it open for Noah, who stepped in and closed behind him. i tried to escape to my room, but my mom stopped me.

"Ashlyn Gracey Ross." i froze at her use of my full name. i turned and gave her a little wave, nervous. the only person on the planet i was scared of was my mom. she was one terrifying little shit.

"you were supposed to be back an hour ago." she glared at me, using the famous Rose glare. "and you. why didn't you make sure she got home on time?" she turned her cold glare to Noah who shifted nervously.

"a situation came up. i would've reminded her but we were in the middle of it." my mom nodded.

"get up to your room and do your homework. and take off the leather stuff. they need to be washed. after all. you have to smell like a rose, just like Rose. not like you." i nodded, and went upstairs to my room. the walls were a baby pink and my bed's comforter was a darker pink to match. there were small things in my room that screamed Rose. there was always a vase of fresh roses on my desk, and a rose was engraved into the wood of the headboard of my bed. the entire room always smelled like roses and my PJ's had roses printed on them. i rarely wore them but i still did sometimes. i went into my bathroom adjoining my bedroom and took off my leather boots, carrying them to my closet and setting them on the floor next to my other shoes. i wasn't one of those girls who loved shoes, but i had a few pairs for different occasions. i had tennis shoes, nice high heels, a pair of sandals and my leather boots i had just taken off. i then stripped out of my black leather pants and jacket, my white tank top being shed with them. then i put on a pair of guy's shorts and a t shirt, getting ready for bed and homework.

"Ashlyn! where's your leather things? i need them to put in the wash!" my mom called up the stairs. i carried them all downstairs and handed them to my mom. she smiled and thanked me before i went back upstairs to my room and shut the door. i sat on my bed with my laptop open and books out, doing my homework.


I glanced at the clock, yawning. It read 12:58. I sighed and looked at the homework i still had to finish. I was almost done but i still had to finish my math. I snapped my book shut and shrugged. I wasn't going to be some science genius or anything. I know how to multiply. I know how to divide.

So what was the point of fucking algebra and geometry. I rolled my eyes and stacked all my books and laptop in my bookbag. I switched off the light and tried to sleep. But sleep wouldn't come and i crawled out of bed, heading for the kitchen barefoot. I went to the stairs and saw a light on at the bottom. I grabbed a knife that had been stashed behind a painting on the staircase wall and continued down cautiously. I turned into the kitchen to find a man with dark hair standing at the counter. Everyone was asleep so i knew it was an intruder. I crept up behind him, ducking behind the island when he turned. He went back to whatever he was doing and i snuck up on him, crouching so he wouldn't see me approach. I jumped up and spun him around trying to get the blade to his throat. He spun me around and pushed me roughly towards the island. I hit my head but immediately got up and pounced on him, grabbing his head with my hands and pushing it down between my knees. I used my knees to turn him. Then i grabbed his hair and slammed his face down onto my knee. He pushed me and groanedin pain from his face. I fell against the counter, breaking a glass cup on my arm and slicing open my elbow. I grabbed the knife up from the floor and rose to face my opponent. I froze when i saw Noah standing there grinning.

"Noah?" I asked quizzically.

"I taught you well." He grinned. His nose was bloody and a bump was forming on his forehead, turning purple. Then the overhead kitchen light turned on and we turned to see my parents standing there. My mom held a gun and my dad a baseball bat. I snickered.

"What is going on in here?" My mom asked, glancing between us. When my dad realized there was no problem, he started rubbing his eyes and muttering "this better be good."

"I came down for water since i couldn't sleep and thought Noah was an intruder." I smiled.

"When she attacked me i thought she was the intruder so i fought back." He walked over to me and grabbed my arm. "We need to stitch this up. Take ya to the hospital. It'll be easier." He grabbed a towel and pressed it against the cut. I held it there firmly while the blood seeped into the towel. Mom and dad nodded and went back to bed. I followed Noah to the car and got in the passenger seat. Noah got in the driver's side and turned on the car chuckling. I grinned at him and we headed off to the ER to get stitches in my arm. Noah could've done it but we didn't have morphine to help the pain. I probably would've been stubborn and not said anything during it but i would've wanted to scream. I've had to get stitches from Noah before. Even though he was a little more than ten years older than me, he was my best friend. He taught me everything. How to fight. How to dress. Hell he even taught me how to do my makeup. He knew a good part of it since he had to use consealer to cover up injuries. Noah pulled up and parked the car outside the hospital. We both got out and started walking towards it.

The Hidden Rose(Book One In The Rose Pedal Series) /✔ Where stories live. Discover now