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I wake up to the refeshing smell of wood and a sun rising from a distance. I grab my phone off my bed side table and quickly look at the time
7:30 A.M
"Damit" i mumble under my breath im gonna be late... i quickly grab a green apple and $10.00 for my lunch i quickly slide on some sinkers and put on a jacket, and head to school..

When i arrived i quickly ran into the brick building and into the office i pull out my phone to read the time
8:04 A.M
I let out a sigh of relief and head to class.. After class i head to the lunch room were i met up with my friend..
"Hey ireland" i say runing my fingers through my blonde hair
"Hey" she says pulling out a ham and cheese sandwich
"Have you heard about the new kid?" She also says.
I look at her with a confused look
"What new kid?" I asked
"His name is Zack herron, i heard he doesn't even speak" she explains
"Oh ok" i say opening a bottle of water"
"I gotta go" she says getting up and walking away
I look around and see a boy sitting by himself eating a PB&J sandwich along with some grapes, and crackers. I decided to go sit next to him since i was kinda alone. I got up to him and sit next to him and he flinched
"Hey" i say in a soft voice so he wouldn't get scared
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This must be Zach Herron..
"Are you Zach Herron?" I ask
He nodded his head yes
"Oh im Zoey" i say giving him a smile
His cheeks turn redder then they already were. He looks down at his lap and plays with his fingers until the bell rings.
He gets up and heads to the same class as me, Mrs.chandeliers class
"Zoey your spot is next to Zach" she points, i go to sit next to him and open up my book. I turn my head to look at him and he looks scared, i rub he cold hand and say "its okay" as i continue to rub his hand to calm him down and he did.

Mute // Zach Herron  *Complete* Where stories live. Discover now