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Its been hell of a week Ireland has been all over the place. She has missed 3 weeks and 2 days of school and she just left yesterday night to go to the U.K.
Also Zach will not eat his food he has been getting really skinny and its worring me. At lunch he would just get  up and throw away his food without even opening something.
Todays the weekend and I'm going over to Zach's house..
I arrive and knock on the door. Once it opens it smells fresh i could see the kitchen clean and the dining area is beautiful it wasnt like before. Zach answers the door and i ask if he wanted to go walk.

"Hey i came to ask if you wanna go walk?"
He nods before slipping on his shoes.
As we were walking i try to get him to talk.
"Sooo whats your favorite color?" I ask walking at his pace
No responds
" ok I'll go first, my favorite color is blue" i say
He shoves his hands in his pockets and srugges his shoulders.
"Zach have you ever said a word?"
He nods his head yes
I was surprised
"Really?!?" I say smiling
He nods his head again
"Can you do it again?" I ask hoping for him to say yes
But he shakes his head no
I let out a sigh
"Okay.." i say

After a few minutes of walking i say  lets go to Starbucks.

"Lets go to Starbucks!"
I say
He shakes his head no
"N-no i wanna go to McDonalds" He says
I was in shock i dont think he noticed he said somethings. His voice was amazing!
"ZACH YOU JUST SAID SOMETHING!" I say stopping and he stops to.
As soon as i say that he starts runing i try to catch up but i couldn't.
"ZACH WAIT!" I yelled
He stops and turns around....

Mute // Zach Herron  *Complete* Where stories live. Discover now