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"Zoey we cant let you do that.." Jack says
"W-why?" I ask sliding on my shoes
"He hurt you Zoey.." Corbyn says
"I dont care h-he's my friend.." i say
"I know Zoey but its our job we cant.." Jonah says
"NO y-you guys cant stop me!" I says trying to go past Jonah but he was bigger and stronger than me..

I began crying about to differnt things..

The next day i wake up in my bed...
I quickly jump out of bed and change into some Black skinny jeans and a red crop top hoodie and some vans.. i pit my hair in a messy ponytail and head downstairs..

The boys were on the two couches asleep..
I wanted to go looking for Zach so i quietly opened my doir and headed out the house..

I walked a few blocks down to Zach's house and knock on the door..

He opened but add mediately closes the door after seeing me..

"Zach.." i say at the verg of crying..

I walk back to my house with a lump in my throat trying my best to put a fake smile on my face.. i opened the door to see all the boys awake

"Just..a-at the store..." i say lying
"You okay?" He ask walking over to me
As he said that i lost it i began crying a waterfall.. i droped my phone on the ground and cryed into Jack's shoulder..
"Zoey what happen.." he asks me
I couldn't respond i was crying so much..

Just as i was crying Jonah picked up my phone and resd a text message from Zach..
"Im sorry Zoey??" Jonah says
"Were you at Zachs house?" He asks

Mute // Zach Herron  *Complete* Where stories live. Discover now