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I was super bored and tried..

"Are we almost there!?!?" I asks in a winning voice
"Almost 3 more hours!" Jonah yells
My body jumps with excitement but hit the top of the car which kinda caused a bruise on my head( idk😂)
"Oww" i say rubing the top of my head
All of the boys laugh..
"Hey not funny!" I say 

(3 hours later)
I was alseep on Zach's shoulder and my legs rested on Daniel's lap..

After a few minutes of driving on a bumpy road i felt the car engine go off and a car door open.
I didnt want to get up so i was hoping someone would carry me..

"Daniel how about you pick her up"i heared Jonah say
"Yea you like her" i heard Jack say
"Wait...y-you like Zoey?" I heard Zach ask
"Yeah he does why?" I heard Corbyn ask
"U-uhm N-no reason.." i heard Zach say.
Just then i felt a pair of arms lift me up

I lay my head on their chest and i could smell clone on them
I knew instantly it was Daniel.

I heard a house door open and Daniel place me on a couch.
Then i hear talking

I got up and look at my surroundings..
I saw Zach and the other boys talking a man that looks like Daniel just a bit older..
"And who's the young lady over there?" The man says pointing at me
"Oh i-"
"Thats Zoey!" Daniel says cutting me off
I gave him a confused look
He just grins at me
"Zoey you can go take a shower and get changed into something formal kinda" Daniel says
"Oh your suitcase is over there" Daniel days cutting me off and pointing tl my suitecase.
I nod my head and grab my suitecase and open it i grab ny clothes and close my suitecase up.

Daniel showed me the shower and i took a quick one.
I changed into this

(Im showing the picture because idk how to explain it😆)

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(Im showing the picture because idk how to explain it😆)

I walk of the see the boys in suspenders

(Again im showing you a picture😂)

(Yes i looked it up on Google i dont fuckin care😂)

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(Yes i looked it up on Google i dont fuckin care😂)

"Woah.." They all say (not at the sane time really)
Quickly covering their mouths
I just laugh
"I'm guessing that was a " you look great Zoey!" Woah" I say laughing
"Yea so--"
"Its fine you guys look not to bad yourself" i say cutting Daniel off and smile at him.
I could see Zach turn his head as if he was looking at something but really wasnt (😂?)
"Well we should get going" Daniel says
"Wait where are we going?" I ask
"Oh to a 5 star restaurant with my dad" Daniel says pointing to the men that kinda looked like him.
I nod my head and grab my purse.

Mute // Zach Herron  *Complete* Where stories live. Discover now