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Zach held the phone to his ear while i was shacking the lady. Her other 3 kids came runing over crying and screaming knowing that their mommy isn't waking up.
"ZACH PLEASE....TALK TO THE DISPATCHE!" i yelled still trying to wake up the lady.
Then Zach said something it was amazing....i was proud of him.
"Uhm....p-please c-come to the park..." he says
"B-by the h-hiking trail.." he added with the phone held to his ear...

Sooner or later the ambulance van came and two men carried her onto the bed. They let her 4 kids on the van but me and Zach had to take an uber or walk there.
As we were walking to the hospital (its only like a few blocks away) i started to talk to zach.
"Zach can you talk to me??" I ask
"Y-yes z-Zoey i can..." he says
My face brightened up i was in shock...
"How come you never talk?" I ask
"B-because i was afraid i would say s-something wrong to you Zoey and you would hate m-me.." he says
"Zach i would never hate you!" I say

We finally arrive at the hospital where they took the lady....

Me and Zach sat in thw lobby where we talked.
"So now i can finally ask this to you..Zach whats your favorite color?" I say as i let out a giggle.
"B-blue l-like y-yours" he says.

Me and zach talked for a bit until...

Mute // Zach Herron  *Complete* Where stories live. Discover now