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I walk out my house and take a walk.
Until i got a  text from my mom.
Mom:hun we will be staying at aunt lucky's house for a month now so im sending $100.00 to you😚😚
Me:okay mom

I quickly shove my phone back into my pocket and look where im walking..

I actually didnt know where i was going but i just kept walking..
When i was walking i stumbled upon a little pound with a little a cute table i decided to go over there so i did.

When i went to go sit on the table i saw Jonah feeding some ducks with bread. I went over to him to say hi

"Oh hi Jonah!" I say walking over to him.

"Oh hi Zoey!" He said getting up since he was crouched down.

We go to sit down and we talk.
Then my phone starts ringing.

"Sorry Jonah i gotta go take this" i say getting up and walking to the entrance.

I answer the call...

"Hello?" I say
"Hey zoey! Its me Ireland" she says
"Oh hey whats up?!" I say
"Well my flight got canceled because of something so can you drive to Arkansas?" She says

What she wants me to drive to Arkansas?!?!? Fuck... (excuse my language)

"Uhm sure but can i bring someone?" I say
"Sure i dont care just hurry please??" She says hanging up

I walk back to the table where Jonah was.
"Hey i was wondering wanna come with me to drive to Arkansas??" I say

"Woah uhm sure the boys wont mined" he says putting his phone back into his pocket...

Mute // Zach Herron  *Complete* Where stories live. Discover now