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Once i got home i get a text from someone it must be that Corbyn boy
Corbyn:hey its me Corbyn is this Zoey?
Zoey:yes hi Corbyn
Corbyn:Hi zoey glad i can keep in touch with you
Zoey:me to
Corbyn:wanna meet up at my house next week?
Zoey:sure sounds good see you then
Corbyn:okay bye

After texting i decided to go see Zach i know he is only a few blocks down from my house.
I go to walk to his house and i knock on his door.
A lady about 50 opens the door and i instantly smell cigarettes it smelt awful the lady had one right in her mouth too..
"Hi im Zoey is Zach home?"
I say
"Yes hi im his mother nice to meet you"
She says in a sweet voice i was surprised actually
"Oh uhm nice to meet you too"
I say giving the lady a slight smile
His mom yells.
Zach runs down his stair and his face look happy to see me waiting at the door.
"Hey comon Zach" i say grabing his hand
"BE BACK BY 9 ZACH!" his mother yells before shuting the door
We walk to the park since it was sunny out.
Then Zach types something on his phone
"Wanna play tag?"
I nod my head yes "sure what happends if you get tagged?" I ask
"You get a kiss from the person?"
He ask with his face truning bright red
I smile "okay!"
I say
"Your it!" I say runing
He starts chasing me and he eventually tags me.
"Well i got tagged" i say
We get closer and i could feel his warmth of his breathon my lips soon his soft lips connect with mine, i could feel sparks flying it was amazing. After a few minutes we finally stoped kissing... I think Im in Love With Zach Herron...

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