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Guys my first story is coming to a end sadly but i am making more stories so check them out!!!

They are probably not as good this story but hey their something...!

Anyways i just wanted to let ya'll all know that when the story does end i will make a sequel!!! It might not come out until like maybe the summer or September or even maybe next year who knows all i know is that it will cone out eventually!

Also when this story ends i will explain the whole concept of the story so the readers who dont understand knows and can go back and read it!
Also i will be talking a little bit about myself soooo yeah you'll get to know me so yeah ask me some questions bellow!!!! Right now!!!

So i will shout you out and answer them when the story is over!

Thank all ya'll and goodnight because its late where i live lol

Peace fam✌✌

Mute // Zach Herron  *Complete* Where stories live. Discover now