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We sit at the park for a while..
"Zach its 8:34 P.M i dont want your mom to be worried about you" i say looking at him
He just shrugges his shoulders and gets up.
Them waves goodbye and walks to his house.

So its the next week today i am going to go to Corbyns house
Zoey:hey could you send me the address to your house?
Corbyn:sure it 184 se ave 789 (idk)
Zoey:okay be there in 10
I grab my shoes abd put my hair in a messes bun and walk out the door i look at the time on my phone
8:30 A.M.
As i was walking i finally found the house i knock on the door and a boy with curly hair opens it.
"Hello uhm is Corbyn here at any chance??" I say
"Uh yea he is actually" he said opening the door a little more for me to come in.
I giggle "Bean huh? Nice nickname"
I say to the curly hair boy
He laughs as i see Corbyn coming down the stairs
"Oh hey i see you have met Jack" Corbyn says
"Yea" i say laughing
"Well here I'll let you meet the others"
He says then he yells "BOYS" and 2 other come down
"So this is Jonah" he says pointing to the tall boy "and this is Dani or Daniel" he says pointing to the boy with blue eyes.
"Nice to meet you guys" i say waving
"You too" they both say..

The nexted day i woke up and got dressed since its school today...Ireland is coming back in 3 days so i guess I'll just hang around witg Zach so he dosent feel alone..
I arrive at school and i see Zach outside the school so i go up to him
"Hey Zach" i say walking up to him
Of coures i get no reply but im used to it..
I grab his hand and lead him to his classroom which is mine aswell.
I let go of  Zachs hand but he grips onto it titer..
"Okay" i say sitting next to him still holding his hand..

Mute // Zach Herron  *Complete* Where stories live. Discover now