The Angel

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"Who... who are you?"

"Oh, I'm Newt."

"Am I dead?"

"Not yet."

"Listen! You have to wake up Lydia! He can't lose more people he loves."

"I will. And are you dead?"

"I should be. But I'm still here."

"Because you're an angel."

"Go!" Then Newt pushed her back into the real world.

Lydia woke up to Stiles above her smiling because she woke up. They exchange a few words back and forth then he helped her sit up. She looks over at the doorway and sees her mother.

"Mom?" She said her mother smiles and hugs her thanking them for saving Lydia. On the other hand Lydia is so dazed and confused about who she just saw while she was unconscious.

Was he an angel?

Who was this Newt guy?

Why did he save her?


Lydia was having a hard time the next few days. She didn't talk much, she was thinking about the angel boy who saved her.

She was in the middle of science class, she looked down at her paper and when she looked up she gasped. The wolves in the room like Theo and Scott heard her heart beat speed up.

They both looked over at her but saw nothing wrong all they saw was her staring at the board like it had just been ripped out of the room. Lydia saw writing on the board. Not from the teacher but from the angel.

Remember I'm real Lydia. Go to the Beacon Hills cliff tonight. I'll find you.

Lydia rubbed her eyes and when she looked back at the board the message had turned back into what the teacher had written. She blinked a few times then looked around the class to see Scott and Theo looking at her confused.

"Are you okay?" Scott mouthed to her and she shook her head. Then she raised her hand.

"Yes Lydia?" The teacher said Lydia took a breath not sure if she'd be able to speak without stuttering. "C—can I go get some water? I'm not feeling well." Lydia said and the teacher nodded.

As Lydia walked toward the door Scott gave her a look that asked if she was okay and if she wanted him to come with her. She just shook her head and mouthed a 'stay' before leaving the room.

Lydia walked to the bathroom her heels clicking down the hallway. Once she stepped inside the girls bathroom she went to the sinks and took a breath.

She put her hands on the edge of the sink and she looked down at the running water. When she looked back up at the mirror she froze. She didn't know if it was in fear or shock but she froze. In the mirror she didn't see her reflection. She saw the angel.


But he didn't look normal. He had black and dark blue veins littering his skin. He also had blood running down his face from a bullet wound.




His voice echoed throughout the bathroom every time he spoke her name. She didn't look away from the mirror. She reached out to touch it and her hand went right through it. Newt tilted his head looking down at her hand then he moved quick grabbed her hand.

Wake up. Wake up! WAKE UP!

Waaaaake uuuup Lydiaaaaaa!

Newt yelled causing Lydia to open her eyes to see she was in the preserve. It was dark and she could see the cliff from where she stood. It was dark but she could see a glowing figure through the trees standing by the cliff.

Lydia walked through the forest and got to the cliff. It was Newt. She could see his blonde hair, he wore white, was glowing a faint white around him, and had wings. A black one and a white one.

"Hello Lydia." Newt said and Lydia stopped they were only a few steps away from each other.

"Wow." Lydia said looking at his wings and he smiled.

"Lydia everyone's worried about you. You must go to the loft. The whole pack is worried about you. But here take this." Newt said passing her a white feather. Once it landed in her hand she smiled.

"It's beautiful Newt." Lydia said running her fingers over it smiling.

"Thank you. Now go." Newt said when Lydia looked up he was gone.

She put the feather in her pocket and started to walk. She walked barefoot wondering how she got barefoot in the first place.

Lydia finally got to a road and recognized it. She was close to Derek's loft. She had tears going down her face for an unknown reason. But then she remembered why she was crying. She was thinking if Newt was an angel then maybe...

Maybe Allison was one too.

Maybe Lydia could see Allison again.

angel in the mirror • TEEN WOLF✗MAZE RUNNERWhere stories live. Discover now